
Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

The timeline of religion is a chronological catalog of important and note-worthy religious events in pre-historic and modern times. This article reaches extensively into pre-historic times, as the bulk of the human religious experience is not relegated to written history. Written history is only, approximately, 5000 years old (the age of formal writing). A lack of written records results in the fact that most of the knowledge about pre-historic religion is derived from archaeological records and other indirect sources, and suppositions. Much pre-historic religion is subject to continued debate.

Prehistoric period (300th millennium to 34th century BCE)

A commonly held marker for the dawn of religious belief and practice is the advent of intentional burial marks.

300th to 51st millennium BCE

223,000â€"100,000 BCE
The earliest evidence of Hominids, such as Neanderthals and even Homo heidelbergensis, deliberately disposing of deceased individuals usually in funerary caches. The graves, located throughout Eurasia (e.g. the Pontnewydd Cave (Wales), Atapuerca Mountains (Spain), Qafzeh, Es Skhul, Krapina (Croatia), are believed to represent the beginnings of ceremonial rites, although there is some debate about this. Neanderthals placed their deceased in simple graves with little or no concern for grave goods or markers; however, their graves occasionally appeared with limestone blocks in or on them, possibly an archaic form of grave marking. These practices were possibly the result of empathetic feelings towards fellow tribespeople, for example: an infant buried in the Dederiyeh Cave after its joints had disarticulated was placed with concern for the correct anatomical arrangement of its body parts.
98,000 BCE
In the area of present-day France and Belgium, Neanderthals begin defleshing their dead, possibly after a period of excarnation prior to burial.

50th to 11th millennium BCE

40,000 BCE
One of the earliest anatomically modern humans to be cremated is buried near Lake Mungo.
38,000 BCE
The Aurignacian Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel, the oldest known zoomorphic (animal-shaped) sculpture in the world and one of the oldest known sculptures in general, is made. The sculpture has also been interpreted as anthropomorphic, giving human characteristics to an animal, although it may have represented a deity.
33,000-25,000 BCE
Tsodilo, a 30,000 years old worshiping place found in northwestern Botswana. All convincing evidence for Neanderthal burials ceases. Roughly coinciding with the time period of the Homo sapiens introduction to Europe and decline of the Neanderthals. Individual skulls and/or long bones begin appearing heavily stained with red ochre and are separately buried. This practice may be the origins of sacred relics. The oldest discovered "Venus figurines" appear in graves. Some are deliberately broken or repeatedly stabbed. Possibly representing murders of the men they are buried with or some other unknown social dynamic.
25,000â€"21,000 BCE
Clear examples of burials are present in Iberia, Wales, and Eastern Europe. All of these, also, incorporate the heavy use of red ochre. Additionally, various objects are being included in the graves (i.e. periwinkle shells, weighted clothing, dolls, possible drumsticks, mammoth ivory beads, fox teeth pendants, panoply of ivory artifacts, "baton" antlers, flint blades, etc.).
13,000â€"8,000 BCE
Noticeable burial activity resumes. Prior mortuary activity had either taken a less obvious form or contemporaries retained some of their burial knowledge in the absence of such activity; dozens of men, women, and children were being buried in the same caves which were used for burials 10,000 years beforehand. All these graves are delineated by the cave walls and large limestone blocks. The burials are very similar to each other and share a number of characteristicsâ€"ochre, shell and mammoth ivory jewelleryâ€"that go back thousands of years. Some burials are double, comprising an adult male with a juvenile male buried by his side. They are now appearing to take on the form of modern cemeteries. Old burials are commonly being redug and moved to make way for the new ones, with the older bones often being gathered and cached together. Large stones may have acted as grave markers. Pairs of ochred antlers are sometimes poles within the cave; this is compared to the modern practice of leaving flowers at one's grave.

100th to 34th century BCE

The Neolithic Revolution begins and results in a worldwide population explosion. The first cities, states, kingdoms, and organized religions begin to emerge. The early states were usually theocracies, in which the political power is justified by religious prestige. Beginning of First Sangam period in South India.
9130â€"7370 BCE
The apparent lifespan of Göbekli Tepe, one of the oldest human-made place of worship yet discovered, including the Sphinx (dated to 9500 BCE) has also been found in a nearby site, Nevali Çori.
8000 BCE 
Four to five pine posts are erected near the eventual site of Stonehenge.
7500â€"5700 BCE
The settlements of Catalhoyuk develop as a likely spiritual center of Anatolia. Possibly practicing worship in communal shrines, its inhabitants leave behind numerous clay figurines and impressions of phallic, feminine, and hunting scenes.
5500â€"4500 BCE
The Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE) emerged, probably within the Pontic-Caspian steppe (though their exact urheimat is debated). The PIE peoples developed a religion focused on sacrificial ideology, which would influence the religions of the descendent Indo-European cultures throughout Europe, Anatolia, and the Indian subcontinent.
~3750 BCE
The Proto-Semitic people emerged with a generally accepted urheimat in the Arabian peninsula. The Proto-Semitic people would migrate throughout the Near East into Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. Their religion would influence their descendant cultures and faiths, including the Abrahamic religions.

Ancient history (33rd century BCE to 3rd century CE)

33rd to 12th century BCE

3300â€"1300 BCE
The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization (3300â€"1300 BCE; mature period 2600â€"1900 BCE) in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, noted for its cities built of brick, roadside drainage system, and multistoried houses as well as for containing artifacts which could be linked to pre-vedic religions.
3102 BCE
Beginning of Kaliyuga, a new age among the followers of Indian religions.
3100 BCE
The initial form of Stonehenge is completed. The circular bank and ditch enclosure, about 110 metres (360 ft) across, may be complete with a timber circle.
3100â€"2900 BCE
Newgrange, the 250,000 ton (226,796.2 tonne) passage tomb aligned to the winter solstice in Ireland, is built.
3000 BCE
Sumerian Cuneiform emerges from the proto-literate Uruk period, allowing the codification of beliefs and creation of detailed historical religious records.
The second phase of Stonehenge is completed and appears to function as the first enclosed cremation cemetery in the British Isles.
2635â€"2610 BCE
The oldest surviving Egyptian Pyramid is commissioned by pharaoh Djoser.
2600 BCE
Stonehenge begins to take on the form of its final phase. The wooden posts are replaced with that of bluestone. It begins taking on an increasingly complex setupâ€"including altar, portal, station stones, etc.â€"and shows consideration of solar alignments.
2560 BCE
The approximate time accepted as the completion of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest pyramid of the Giza Plateau.
2494â€"2345 BCE
The first of the oldest surviving religious texts, the Pyramid Texts, are composed in Ancient Egypt.
2200 BCE
Minoan Civilization in Crete develops. Citizens worship a variety of Goddesses.
2150â€"2000 BCE
The earliest surviving versions of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (originally titled "He who Saw the Deep" (Sha naqba īmuru) or "Surpassing All Other Kings" (Shūtur eli sharrī)) were written.
2000â€"1850 BCE
The traditionally accepted period in which the Judeochristian/Islamic patriarchal figure Abraham lived. Likely born in Ur Kaśdim or Haran and died in Machpelah, Canaan.
1700â€"1100 BCE
Rig Veda gets composed, the oldest of all Vedas (scriptures in Hinduism)
1600 BCE
The ancient development of Stonehenge comes to an end.
1500 BCE
The Vedic Age starts in India after the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation

13th to 9th century BCE

1351 or 1353 BCE
Reign of Akhenaten in Ancient Egypt. Akhenaten is sometimes credited with starting the earliest known monotheistic religion.
1300â€"1000 BCE
The "standard" Akkadian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh was edited by Sin-liqe-unninni.
1250 BCE
A suggested time for the biblical Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
1200â€"600 BCE
The Upanishads (Vedic texts) get composed which contain the earliest emergence of some of the central religious concepts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
1200 BCE
The Greek Dark Age begins.
1200 BCE
Olmecs build earliest pyramids and temples in Central America.
950 BCE
The Torah, the core texts of Judaism and foundation of later Abrahamic religions, is believed to be given by God to Moses
877â€"777 BCE
Parshva, 23rd Tirthankar of Jainism.

8th to 3rd century BCE

800 BCE
The Greek Dark Age ends.
600â€"500 BCE
Earliest Confucian writing, Shu Ching incorporates ideas of harmony and heaven.
599â€"527 BCE
Mahavira, 24th and last Tirthankar of Jainism.
600â€"400 BCE
Probable time of existence of Laozi, author of the Tao Te Ching, considered the founding work of philosophical Taoism.
563 BCE
Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism is born.
551 BCE
Confucius, founder of Confucianism, is born.
440 BCE
Zoroastrianism enters recorded history.
399 BCE
Socrates is tried for impiety.
300 BCE
Theravada Buddhism is introduced to Sri Lanka by the Venerable Mahindra.
250 BCE
The Third Buddhist council was convened.

2nd century BCE to 4th century CE

150 BCE
The oldest surviving Hebrew Bible manuscripts date to about the 2nd century BCE (fragmentary).
100 BCEâ€"500 CE
The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali constituting the foundational texts of Yoga are composed.
63 BCE
Pompey captures Jerusalem and annexes Judea as a Roman client kingdom.
7 BCEâ€"36 CE
The approximate time-frame for the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure of Christianity.
Council of Jerusalem is held.
Siege of Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Temple.
Manichaean Gnosticism is formed by prophet Mani
Some of the oldest parts of the Ginza Rba, a core text of Mandaean Gnosticism, are written.
Classic Mayan civilization, Stepped pyramids are constructed.
The oldest known version of the Tao Te Ching is written on bamboo tablets.
The Edict of Milan decrees religious toleration in the Roman empire.
The first Ecumenical Council, the Council of Nicaea, is convened to attain a consensus on doctrine through an assembly representing all of Christendom. It establishes the original Nicene Creed, fixes Easter date, confirms primacy of the sees of Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch, and grants the See of Jerusalem a position of honor.
The oldest record of the complete biblical texts survives in a Greek translation called the Septuagint, dating to the (appx. placement here) 4th century CE (Codex Sinaiticus).
Theodosius I declares Nicene Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire.
The second Ecumenical Council, the Council of Constantinople, reaffirms/revises the Nicene Creed repudiating Arianism and Macedonianism.
Theodosius proscripted Paganism within the Roman Empire.
The Synod of Hippo, the first time a council of bishops of early Christianity listed and approved a biblical canon.

Middle Ages (5th to 15th century)

5th to 9th century

St. Jerome completes the Vulgate, the first Latin translation of the Bible.
The Western Roman Empire begins to decline, signaling the onset of the Dark Ages.
The Assyrian Church of the East formally separates from the See of Antioch and the western Syrian Church
The third Ecumenical Council, the Council of Ephesus, is held as a result of the controversial teachings of Nestorius, of Constantinople. It repudiates Nestorianism, proclaims the Virgin Mary as the Theotokos ("Birth-giver to God", "God-bearer", "Mother of God"), repudiates Pelagianism, and again reaffirmes the Nicene Creed.
The Second Council of Ephesus declares support of Eutyches and attacked his opponents. Originally convened as an Ecumenical council, its ecumenicality is rejected and is denounced as a latrocinium by the Chalcedonian.
The fourth Ecumenical Council, the Council of Chalcedon rejects the Eutychian doctrine of monophysitism, adopts the Chalcedonian Creed, reinstated those deposed in 449 and deposed Dioscorus of Alexandria, and elevates of the bishoprics of Constantinople and Jerusalem to the status of patriarchates.
The Oriental Orthodox Church rejects the christological view put forth by the Council of Chalcedon and is excommunicated.
The Rule of Saint Benedict is written by Benedict of Nursia, the founder of Western Christian monasticism.
The fifth Ecumenical Council, Second Council of Constantinople, repudiates the Three Chapters as Nestorian and condemns Origen of Alexandria.
Life-time of Muhammad ibn 'Abdullāh, the founder of Islam.
The Rashidun Caliphate brings Arab conquest of Persia, Egypt, Iraq, bringing Islam into those regions.
The verses of the Qur'an are compliled in the form of a book in the era of Uthman, the third Caliph of Islam.
The Umayyad Caliphate brings Arab conquest of North Africa, Spain, Central Asia. Marking the greatest extent of the Arab conquests bringing Islam into those regions.
The sixth Ecumenical Council, the Third Council of Constantinople, rejects Monothelitism and Monoenergism.
Circa 680 the split between Sunni and Shiites starts to grow.
The Quinisext Council (aka "Council in Trullo"), an amendment to the 5th and 6th Ecumenical Councils, establishes the Pentarchy.
Kojiki, the oldest Shinto text is written
The beginning of migrations of Zoroastrian communities (Parsi) from Persia to India caused by Muslim conquest of their lands and persecution.
The latrocinium Council of Hieria supports iconoclasm.
The seventh Ecumenical Council, Second Council of Nicaea, restores the veneration of icons and denounces iconoclasm.
Lifetime of Adi Shankara, a Hindu philosopher who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedānta.
The oldest extant manuscripts of the vocalized Masoretic text upon which modern editions are based date to the (appx.) 9th century CE.

10th to 15th century

The Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches formally takes place.
The first Crusade takes place.
Sigurd I of Norway wages the Norwegian Crusade on Muslims in Spain, the Baleares, and in Palestine.
The Second Crusade is waged in response to the fall of the County of Edessa.
The Third Crusade, European leaders attempt to reconquer what they considered the Holy Land from Saladin.
The Fourth Crusade takes place.
Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade sack the Christian Eastern Orthodox city of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire.
Delhi Sultanate is established.
The Albigensian Crusade takes place in Occitania, Europe.
The Church attempts the Fifth Crusade.
Nichiren Daishonin the Buddha of True Causes, Latter Day of the Law and founder of Nichiren Buddhism is born,
based at Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple Taisekiji (Japan), Nam(u)-Myōhō-Renge-Kyō
The Sixth Crusade occurs.
The Codex Gigas is completed by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice near Chrudim.
Jerusalem is sacked again, instigating the Seventh Crusade.
The Eighth Crusade is organized.
The Ninth Crusade fails.
Pope John XXII lays the groundwork for the future witch-hunts with the formalization of the persecution of witchcraft.
The Roman Catholic Church is split during the Western Schism.
The life of Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism.
Pope Innocent VIII marks the beginning of the classical European witch-hunts with his papal bull Summis desiderantes.
African religious systems are introduced to the Americas, with the commencement of the trans-Atlantic forced migration.
Martin Luther, of the Protestant Reformation, posts the 95 theses.
In the Spanish Empire, Catholicism is spread and encouraged through such institutions as missions and the Inquisition.
The Massacre of Vassy sparks the first of a series of French Wars of Religion.

Early modern and Modern era (16th to 20th century)

16th to 18th century

The creation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Sikhism
Death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the last Sikh guru, who, before his death, instituted the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, as the eternal Guru.
Baron d'Holbach publishes The System of Nature said to be the first positive unambiguous statement of atheism in the West.
The Dechristianisation of France during the Revolution. The state confiscates Church properties, bans monastic vows, with the passage of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy removes the Church from the Roman Pope and subordinates it as a department of the Government, replaces the traditional Gregorian Calendar, and abolishes Christian holidays.
Freedom of religion, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, is amended into the constitution of the United States forming an early and influential secular government.

19th to 20th century

The situation following the French Revolution, France and Pope Pius VII entered into the Concordat of 1801. While "Catholicism" regains some powers and becomes recognized as "...the religion of the great majority of the French", it's not reafforded the latitude it had enjoyed prior to the Revolution. It's not the official state religion, the Church relinquishes all claims to estate seized after 1790, the clergy is state salaried and must swear allegiance to the State, and religious freedom is maintained.
The life of Siyyid 'Alí Muḥammad Shírází (Persian: سيد علی ‌محمد شیرازی) Bab (October 20, 1819 â€" July 9, 1850), the founder of Bábism.
The life of Bahá'u'lláh, founder of the Bahá'í Faith.
The Latter Day Saint movement (Mormonism) is founded by Joseph Smith, Jr.
Lifetime of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the messianic Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.
Lifetime of Ramakrishna, famous saint & mystic of Bengal
Satguru Ram Singh JiRam Singh, Creator of Namdhari Sikhs sect of Sikh religion.
The Theosophical Society formed in New York City by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others.
Christian Science was granted its charter in Boston, Massachusetts.
Swami Vivekananda's first speech at The Parliament of World Religions, Chicago that brought the ancient philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world.
Aradia (aka the Gospel of the Witches), one of the earliest books describing post witchhunt European religious Witchcraft, is published by Charles Godfrey Leland.
Thelema founded.
In France the law on the Separation of the Churches and the State is passed, officially establishing it a state secularism and putting an end to the funding of religious groups by the state.
Becoming a place of pilgrimage for neo-druids and other pagans, the Ancient Order of Druids organized the first recorded reconstructionist ceremony in Stonehenge.
The establishment of the Khalifatul Masih after Prophethood in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Second Manifestation of God's Power.
The October Revolution, in Russia, leads to the annexation of all church properties and subsequent religious suppression.
the 1917 Constitution of Mexico is written making Mexico a secular state.
Cao Dai founded.
The Cristero War is fought in Mexico between the secular government and religious christian rebels ends 1929.
Rastafari movement begins.
The Nation of Islam is founded in Detroit, Michigan.
A neo-Hindu religious movement, the Brahma Kumaris or "Daughters of Brahma" started. Its origin can be traced to the group "Om Mandali", founded by Lekhraj Kripalani(1884â€"1969).
The first event of the Holocaust, the Kristallnacht, takes place.
Millions of Jews are relocated and killed by the Nazi government during Holocaust.
British India is partitioned on religious lines; into an Islamic country of Pakistan and the secular nation of India with a Hindu majority.
The Jews return to their ancient biblical homeland and the state of Israel is created.
Scientology is created.
Wicca is publicized by Gerald Gardner.
Various Neopagan and New Age movements gain momentum.
Unitarian Universalism formed from merger of Unitarianism and Universalism.
The Church of All Worlds, the first American neo-pagan church, is formed by a group including Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart, and Richard Lance Christie.
The Second Vatican Council takes place.
Srila Prabhupada establishes the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and introduces translations of the Bhagavad-Gita and Vedic Scriptures in mass production all over the world.
Anton Szandor LaVey's Satanism begins, with Anton Szandor LaVey's founding of the Church of Satan.
The Stonehenge free festivals are held.
Claude Vorilhon established the Raëlian Movement and changed his name to Raël following a purported extraterrestrial encounter in December 1973.
Operation Blue Star occurs at holiest site of the Sikhs, the Golden Temple in Amritsar. 1984 Anti-Sikh riots follow.
Germanic Neopaganism (aka Heathenism, Heathenry, Ásatrú, Odinism, Forn Siðr, Vor Siðr, and Theodism) begins to experience a second wave of revival.
The Iranian Revolution results in the establishment of an Islamic Republic in Iran.
The Stregherian revival continues. "The Book of the Holy Strega" and "The Book of Ways" Volume I & II are published.
The Battle of the Beanfield forces an end to the Stonehenge free festivals.
The revolutions of 1989, the overthrow of many Soviet-style states, allows a resurgence in open religious practice in many Eastern European countries.
European pagan reconstructive movements (Celtic, Hellenic, Roman, Slavic, Baltic, Finnish, etc.) organize.
The European Council convened in Copenhagen, Denmark, agrees to criteria requiring religious freedom within any and all prospective members of the European Union.
The Strega Arician Tradition is founded.

21st century


Osama bin Laden's declaration of al-Qaeda's "holy" war on America, reaches a climax with 2,993 dead, through al-Qaeda's actions on 11 September.
The only Hindu Kingdom in the world, Nepal, is declared to be secular by its Constituent Assembly after declaring the state a Republic on 28 May 2008.
The Church of Scientology in France is fined €600,000 and several of its leaders are fined and sentenced to jail for defrauding new recruits out of their savings. The state fails to disband the church due to legal changes occurring over the same time period.

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