
Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Expedition of Ali ibn Abi Talib, to Mudhij took place in 10AH, Ramadan of the Islamic Calendar, Around December 631 AD.

The event is mentioned by the Muslim jurist Tabari. The event is also partly mentioned in the Sunni Hadith collection Sahih al-Bukhari

Military Expedition

Ali was sent in December with 300 well armed horsemen, to attack the Banu Nakha and reduce them to submission. This was the first army Muhammad sent forth to conquer Yemen, Ali was met with little opposition, when he attacked the inhabitants, he caused severe and extensive damage all around Yemen. Ali returned with many kinds of War spoils, which included women, children, camels and flock. The people of Yemen that were attacked by Ali were driven to despair and joined together as a group to attack him. They fired arrows and stones at him, the Muslims then charged at them and killed 20 people. William Muir described it as a "slaughter". Ali held back the army from pursuing the enemy, so he could call on them one more time to accept his terms. The tribe did this quickly and submitted themselves to Muadz, Muhammad's envoy in Yemen.

Islamic primary sources

The event is mentioned by the Muslim jurist Tabari, he wrote:

The event is also mentioned in the Sunni hadith collection Sahih al-Bukhari (in book 59, Military Expeditions), it mentions what Muhammad instructed Muadz to do:

See also

  • Muhammad as a general


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