
Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

This page charts a list of countries by importance of religion.


Importance of religion by country

The methodology in the country table is based upon global Gallup Poll research. The Gallup poll has a broad question: the question "Is religion important in your daily life?" was asked; the "yes" and "no" answers are represented below. Discrepancies are due to the "Don't Know" and "Refused" answers.

In terms of demographics, India ranks as the country with the largest number of highly religious people in the world, with an estimated 960 million to 1 billion believers. China, although its number is less than a fifth of its total population (~18-19%), ranks second, with an estimated 240-260 million believers, followed by Indonesia (~235 million), the United States (~205 million), Pakistan (~175 million), Brazil (~168 million), Nigeria (~163 million) and Bangladesh (~161 million).


Importance of religion by country

See also

Importance of religion by country
  • Religiosity and intelligence
  • Demographics of atheism


  • List of religious populations


Importance of religion by country

Importance of religion by country
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