
Selasa, 14 April 2015

This table is an incomplete list of the people and angels that the Catholic Church recognize as saints. In Catholic theology, all saints enjoy the Beatific vision; it is impossible therefore for any list to enumerate them all. Many of the saints listed here are to be found in the General Roman Calendar, others may also be found in the Roman Martyrology; still others are peculiar to local places and their veneration does not extend to the smaller but large church.

Non human saints


  • Michael
  • Raphael
  • Gabriel


  • Abanoub Al-Nahisy, Child Martyr
  • Abadiu of Antinoe, Bishop of Antinoe


List of Catholic saints
  • Aphrodisius, Priest of the Diocese of Béziers, Martyr


List of Catholic saints


  • Lawrence, Martyr of Rome


  • Saint Afra of Augsburg, Martyr


  • Abamun of Tarnut, Martyr


  • Agapitus I, Pope


  • Aaron of Aleth, Hermit and Monk


  • Saint Mun, Bishop and Hermit


  • Adalgar, Archbishop of Bremen


  • Adelaide of Italy, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Burgundy, Queen of Burgundy


  • Theodosius of Kiev, Founder of the Kiev Caves Lavra


  • Abbo of Fleury, Archbishop of Oswald (Canonized: ?)


  • Bernard of Menthon, Professed Religious of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine (Canonized: 1681)


  • Ælfheah of Canterbury, Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Winchester (Canonized: 1078)


  • Adelheid of Vilich, Professed Religious of the Benedictine Nuns (Beatified: January 27, 1966)
  • Vladimir Sviatoslavich, Grand Prince of Kiev


  • Symeon the New Theologian, Theologian


  • Henry II, Emperor of Burgundy and Bavaria


  • Stephen I of Hungary, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Esztergom, King of Hungary
  • Emma of Lesum,


  • Hemma of Gurk, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Gurk (Beatified: January 5, 1938)


  • Adamo Abate, Professed Religious of the Benedictines


  • Abraham of Rostov, Monk
  • Antipas (Anthony of the Caves), Cofounder of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra


  • Hildebrand of Sovana, Pope


  • Yaropolk Izyaslavich, King of Rus


  • Wolfhelm of Brauweiler, Professed Priest of the Benedictines


  • Margaret of Scotland, Married Layperson and Queen of Scotland


  • Berthold of Garsthen, Professed Priest of the Benedictines (Beatified: January 8, 1970)


  • Bernard of Clairvaux, Reformer of the Cistercian Order (Canonized: January 18, 1174)


  • Rognvald Kali Kolsson, Layperson of the Diocese of Caithness


  • Ubald of Gubbio, Bishop of Gubbio (Canonized: March 4, 1192)


  • Adalgott, Bishop of Chur
  • Charlemagne, Medieval Frankish King of the Carolingian empire, Holy Roman Emperor - upon prompt by emperor Frederick Barbarossa


  • Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury


  • Hildegard of Bingen, Professed Religious of the Benedictine Nuns (Beatified: August 26, 1326) (Canonized: May 10, 2012) (Doctor of the Church: October 7, 2012)


  • Meinhard, Professed Priest of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Latvia


  • Elizabeth of Hungary, patron saint of the homeless, blessed by St. Francis of Assisi, associated with the Third Order of St. Francis, first saint associated with roses through The Miracle of the Roses (Canonized: 27 May 1235)


  • Jacek Odrowaz


  • Raimundo de Penafort


  • Joan of Arc, French heroine and martyr. She was canonized on September 20, 1920 by Pope Benedict XV


  • Francesca Bussa de Ponziani, Married Layperson of the Vicariate of Rome


  • Domingo Ruzola Lopez (Domingo of Jesus Mary), Professed Priest of the Discalced Carmelites
  • Jeronima Yanez de la Fuente, Professed Religious of the Poor Clare Nuns


  • Tommaso Acerbis (Tommaso of Olera), Professed Religious of the Franciscan Capuchins (Venerated: October 23, 1987) (Beatified: September 21, 2013)
  • 149 Martyrs of Mombasa
    • Antonio of the Nativity, Professed Priest of the Augustinians
    • Antonio of the Passion, Professed Priest of the Augustinians
    • Domingos of the Nativity, Professed Priest of the Augustinians
    • Andre Veloso, Priest of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Joanna Veloso, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Barbara da Costa, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Baltasar Texeira, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Silvestro Gonzalez, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Joao Monteiro da Fonseca, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Maria Monteiro da Fonseca, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Gracia Monteiro da Fonseca, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Isabel Monteiro da Fonseca, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Maria Monteiro da Fonseca, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Ana da Fonseca, Widow, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Rodrigo de Albernas, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Diogo of the Mother of God, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa, Member
    • Manoel de Veiga, Child of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Joanna Correa, Child of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Tome Dias, Child of the Diocese of Mombasa
    • Maria de Lima, Layperson of the Diocese of Mombasa (Venerated: --- )
  • Liborius Wagner, Priest of the Diocese of Wurzburg (Venerated: October 18, 1973) (Beatified: March 24, 1974)
  • Vincenzo Caldera (Innocenzo of Chiusa), Professed Religious of the Franciscan Friars Minor


  • Maria Brites Rego (Maria of the Sacred Side), Professed Religious of the Poor Clare Nuns


  • Martha de San Bernardo, Professed Religious of the Poor Clare Nuns
  • Carlo Carafa, Priest and Founder of the Congregation of Rural Catechists
  • Paulus Xu Guangqi, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Shanghai


  • Agnes Galand, Professed Religious of the Dominican Nuns (Venerated: March 19, 1808) (Beatified: November 20, 1994)


  • Mariana Francisca Torres Berriochoa (Mariana Francisca of Jesus), Professed Religious of the Order of the Immaculate Concepcion (Conceptionist Nuns)


  • Jean du Moulin (Jean of Saint Samson), Professed Religious of the Carmelitres of Ancient Observance
  • Cosme Munoz Perez, Priest of the Diocese of Cordoba, Founder of the Daughters of Patronage of Mary


  • Madeleine du Bois de Fontaines (Madeleine of Saint Joseph), Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns (Venerated: July 16, 1789)
  • Maria Tomelin del Campo (Maria of Jesus), Professed Religious of the Order of the Immaculate Concepcion (Conceptionist Nuns)


  • Mariana de Manzanedo Herrera, Professed Religious of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters


  • Fracesco Olimpio, Professed Priest of the Theatines (Venerated: August 10, 1783)


  • Maria Lopez de Rivas Martinez (Maria of Jesus), Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns (Venerated: June 22, 1972) (Beatified: November 14, 1976) (Canonized: )


  • Andrew of Phu Yen, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Da Nang (Venerated: January 27, 2000) (Beatified: March 05, 2000)


  • Mary Ward, Founder of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters) and Congregatio Iesu (Venerated: December 19, 2009)
  • Yvon Nikolazic, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Vannes
  • Mariana de Jesus de Paredes Flores, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Quito, Member of the Secular Franiscans (Venerated: March 19, 1776) (Beatified: November 20, 1853) (Canonized: July 9, 1950)
  • Juan Macias, Professed Religious of the Dominicans (Venerated: February 2, 1762) (Beatified: October 22, 1837) (Canonized: September 28, 1975)
  • Martyrs of Natal
    • Andre de Soveral, Priest of the Archdiocese of Natal
    • Domingos Carvalho, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Natal
    • Ambrosio Francisco Ferro, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Natal
    • Antonio Vilela, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Natal (Venerated: December 21, 998) (Beatified: March 05, 2000)


  • Giorgio Rodio, Layperson of the Diocese of Civita Castellana, Member of the Secular Franciscans


  • Pierre-Joseph Picot de Cloriviere, Professed Priest of the Jesuits, Founder of the Society of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary
  • Johannes Hofbauer (Klemens Maria), Professed Priest of the Redemptorists (Venerated: May 14, 1876) (Beatified: January 29, 1888) (Canonized: May 20, 1909)
  • Felix del Andreis [Felice], Priest of the Congregation of the Missions (Vincentians)
  • Pauline-Louise Pinczon du Sel, Founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Grace of Saint Thomas of Villanueva


  • Elizabeth Ann Seton, Widow, Founder of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Halifax, Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of New York, and Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth of New Jersey (Venerated: December 18, 1959) (Beatified: March 17, 1963) (Canonized: September 14, 1975)


  • Serafino Morazzone, Priest of the Archdiocese of Milan (Venerated: December 17, 2007) (Beatified: June 26, 2011)
  • Bartolomeo Ferri, Priest of the Diocese of Acquapendente
  • Antonio Galvao de Franca (Antonio of Saint Anne), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor (Venerated: March 8, 1997) (Beatified: October 25, 1998) (Canonized: May 11, 2007)


  • Giuseppe Bartolomeo Menochio, Professed Priest of the Augustinians, Titular Bishop of Porphyrien (Venerated: May 14, 1991)
  • Ramon Strauch Vidal, Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor (Observants), Bishop of Vic
  • Barnaba Chiaramonti (Gregorio), Professed Priest of the Benedictines, Pope


  • Vincenzo Strambi (Vincenzo Maria of Saint Paul), Professed Priest of the Passionists, Bishop of Macerata (Venerated: April 1, 1894) (Beatified: April 26, 1925) (Canonized: June 11, 1950)
  • Anna Katharina Emmerick, Professed Religious of the Canonesses Regular of Saint Augustine (Venerated: April 24, 2001) (Beatified: October 03, 2004)
  • Vincenzo Ronca, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Sant'Angelo de Lombardi, Member of the Secular Franciscans
  • Jean-Pierre Blanchard, Priest of the Diocese of Bale
  • Caterina Sordini, Founder of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (Venerated: April 24, 2001) (Beatified: May 03, 2008)


  • Elisabeth Canori Mora, Married Layperson of the Vicariate of Rome, Member of the Secular Trinitarians (Venerated: February 26, 1928) (Beatified: April 24, 1994)
  • Marie-Louise-Elisabeth de Lamoignon de Mole de Champlatreux, Widow, Founder of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Louis de Vannes (Venerated: January 16, 1986) (Beatified: November 27, 2011)


  • Juliette Noel Toussaint, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of New York
  • Antonio D'Angelosanto, Professed Religious of the Franciscan Friars Minor (Observants)
  • Anne-Marie Javouhey, Founder of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny (Venerated: May 21, 1937) (Beatified: October 15, 1950)
  • Antonio Vicente Gonzalez Suarez, Priest of the Diocese of Canarias
  • Emilie Tavernier Gamelin, Widow, Founder of the Sisters of Providence of Montreal (Venerated: December 23, 1993) (Beatified: October 07, 2001)
  • Placido Baccher, Priest of the Archdiocese of Naples, Member of the Dominican Fraternity of Priets (Venerated: February 27, 1944)


  • François-Marie-Paul Libermann, Priest of the Archdiocese of Paris, Founder of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritians) (Venerated: June 19, 1910)
  • Ignazia Verzeri (Teresa Eustochio), Founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Venerated: April 2, 1922) (Beatified: October 27, 1946) (Canonized: June 10, 2001)
  • Marie-Guillemette-Emilie de Rodat, Founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Villefranche (Venerated: May 19, 1901) (Beatified: June 09, 1940) (Canonized: April 23, 1950)
  • Maurice-Marie-Matthieu Garrigou, Priest of the Archdiocese of Tolouse, Founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Compassion (Venerated: )
  • Rose Philippine Duchesne, Professed Religious of the Society of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Venerated: March 17, 1935) (Beatified: May 12, 1940) (Canonized: July 3, 1988)
  • Joseph-Marie Chiron, Priest of the Diocese of Viviers, Founder of the Sisters of Saint Mary of the Assumption


  • Benedetta Rossello (Maria Giuseppa), Founder of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy (Venerated: March 19, 1936) (Beatified: November 06, 1938) (Canonized: June 12, 1949)
  • Carlo Cavina, Priest of the Diocese of Imola, Founder of the Daughters of Saint Francis de Sales
  • Battistina Vallerga (Teresa), Founder of the Daughters of Mary Virgin Immaculate
  • Francisco Pedro Marcuello Zabalza (Esteban of Adoain), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins (Venerated: December 21, 1989)


  • Helena Stollenwerk (Maria/Maria Virgo), Cofounder of the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit, Professed Religious of the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration (Venerated: May 14, 1991) (Beatified: May 17, 1995)
  • Rafaela Ybarra Arambarri de Villalonga, Widow, Founder of the Sisters of the Holy Guardian Angels (Venerated: March 16, 1970) (Beatified: September 30, 1984)
  • Leonardo Murialdo, Priestof the Archdiocese of Turin, Founder of the Congregation of Saint Joseph (Venerated: April 26, 1961) (Beatified: November 03, 1963) (Canonized: May 3, 1970)
  • Luigi Avellino, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Naples, Member of the Secular Franciscans
  • Eugenia Ravasco, Founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Ravsco Institute (Venerated: July 1, 2000) (Beatified: April 27, 2003)


  • Louis-Zepherin Moreau, Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Cofounder of the Sisters of Saint-Joseph of Saint-Hyacinthe (Venerated: May 10, 1973) (Beatified: May 10, 1987)
  • Antonietta Celesia de Ferrari, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Genoa
  • Tommaso Reggio, Archbishop of Genoa, Founder of the Sisters of Saint Martha (Venerated: December 18, 1997) (Beatified: September 03, 2000)


  • Maria Goretti, Child of the Diocese of Albano (Venerated: March 25, 1945) (Beatified: April 27, 1947) (Canonized: June 24, 1950)
  • Agostino Roscelli


  • Cacilia Baumann, Child of the Archdiocese of Freiburg im Breisgau


  • Laura Klinkenberg, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Aachen


  • Angelina Zampieri, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Belluno-Feltre
  • Virginia Notari, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Parma


  • Hovhannes Balian, Professed Religious of the Jesuits


  • Bedros Aghadjanian, Professed Priest of the Jesuits


  • Marie-Farncoise-Therese Martin, Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns (Venerated: August 14, 1921) (Beatified: April 29, 1923) (Canonized: May 17, 1925)


  • Marie Rose Ferron, Layperson of the Diocese of Woonsocket


  • Salvo D'Aquisto, Layperson of the Diocese of Naples


  • Rhoda Wise, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Canton


  • Klara Wendehals, Young Layperson of the Archdiocese of Paderborn


  • Brigitte Irrgang, Child of the Archdiocese of Berlin


  • Zdenka Cecília Schelingová, Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross


  • Lawrence Puliyanath, Priest of the Diocese of Cochin
  • Matild Shelhot Salim, Married Layperson of the Archeparchy of Alep of the Melkites, Member of the Salesian Cooperators
  • Angela Iacobellis, Child of the Diocese of Naples
  • Maria Valtorta, Layperson of the Diocese of Caserta, Member of the Servants of Mary, Member of the Lay Franciscans
  • Hermelinda Simon Prieto (Hermelinda of the Heart of Jesus), Professed Religious of the Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Elena Aiello, Founder of the Minim Sisters of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Venerated: January 22, 1991) (Beatified: September 14, 2011)
  • Lafayette da Costa Coelho, Priest of the Diocese of Guanhaes


  • Marisa Porcellana, Child of the Archdiocese of Turin
  • Marisa Morini, Child of the Archdiocese of Ferrara-Comacchio


  • Georges-Philias Vanier, Married Layperson of the Archdioceses of Montreal and Ottawa, Governor-General of Canada
  • Maria Cannavale, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia
  • Adolfo Barberis, Priest of the Archdiocese of Turin, Founder of the Sisters of Christian Servanthood
  • Rosa di Majo, Founder of the Sisters Handmaids of Christ the King


  • Adelheid Elsberger, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Regensburg


  • Danute Burbaite, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Vilkaviskis


  • Ghassibe Kayrouz, Young Layperson of the Eparchy of Baalbek-Deir El-Ahmar
  • Hawa Khoury, Professed Religious of the Maronite Sisters of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
  • Antonios Thamineh, Professed Priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order
  • Butrus Sassine, Professed Priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order
  • Yuhanna Maqsoud, Professed Religious of the Lebanese Maronite Order


  • Jerjes Harb, Professed Priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order
  • Yusuf Farah, Professed Priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order


  • Francis Daher Abu Antoun, Professed Priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order


  • Lucinda Loreto (Mary Catherine), Professed Religious of the Religious of the Good Shepherd
  • Virginia Gonzaga (Mary Virginia), Professed Religious of the Religious of the Good Shepherd
  • Consuelo Chuidian (Mary Consuelo), Professed Religious of the Religious of the Good Shepherd
  • Lourdes Conti (Mary Concepcion), Professed Religious of the Religious of the Good Shepherd


  • Sofronio Roxas, Layperson of the Diocese of Kidapawan


  • Therese Jillo, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Marsabit
  • Lorenzo Ruiz


  • Albert Cherfane, Professed Priest of the Antonine Maronite Order
  • Sleiman Abi Khalil, Professed Priest of the Antonine Maronite Order


  • Santa Scorese, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Bari-Bitento
  • Pierina Gilli, Layperson of the Diocese of Brescia
  • Pauline Archer-Vanier, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Ottawa


  • Maria Belen Guzman Florit, Founder of the Dominican Sisters of Fatima
  • Maria Luz Pena Blanco, Layperson of the Diocese of Ourense
  • Antonio Rendic Ivanovic, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Antofagasta
  • Enzo Boschetti, Priest of the Diocese of Pavia
  • Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, Professed Religious of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul (Venerated: December 16, 2006) (Beatified: December 02, 2007)
  • Antonio Bello, Bishop of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizi
  • Anna Pretschnerova, Professed Religious of the School Sisters of Saint Francis
  • Maria de la Cruz Morinigo, Layperson of the Diocese of Posadas
  • Ana Julia Duque Heckner, Founder of the Little Sisters of the Annunciation
  • Anna Fulgida Bartolacelli, Layperson of the Diocese of Modena-Nonantola, Member of the Silent Workers of Christ
  • Aloyse Gerber, Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins
  • Aurelia Oreglia D'Isola [Leletta], Layperson of the Diocese of Aosta, Member of the Lay Dominicans
  • Giuseppe Puglisi, Priest of the Archdiocese of Palermo (Venerated: June 28, 2012) (Beatified: May 25, 2013)
  • Maria Mercedes Cabezas Terrera, Founder of the Missionary Workers of the Sacred Heart
  • Federico Kaiser Depel, Professed Priest of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Bishop-Prelate of Caraveli, Founder of the Missionaries of Jesus, Word and Victim


  • Humberto Orsetti Andrea (Domingo), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins
  • Alvaro del Portillo Diez de Sollano, Bishop of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei (Venerated: June 28, 2012) (Beatified: September 27, 2014)
  • Luigi Bossio, Priest of the Diocese of Verona
  • Antonietta Guaini, Founder of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus the Eternal Priest
  • Jean Merlin, Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of Paris
  • Roberto Giovanni, Professed Religious of the Stigmatines
  • John Joseph McKniff, Professed Priest of the Augustinians
  • Jerome Lejeune, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Paris
  • Jorge Gottau, Professed Priest of the Redemptorists, Bishop of Anatuya
  • Guglielmo Giaquinta, Bishop of Tivoli, Founder of the Pro Sanctity Movement
  • Michele Natale, Professed Religious of the Franciscan Capuchins
  • Elena Bruno, Professed Religious of the Handmaids of Reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Francisca Dominguez Susin de Alvira, Married Layperson of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei
  • Rossella Petrellese, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Acerra
  • Tomas Morales Perez, Professed Priest of the Jesuits, Founder of the Secular Institute of the Crusaders of Mary


  • Eugenie Kabila Musafiri, Professed Religious of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Turin
  • Julienne Dallaire, Founder of the Dominican Missionary Order
  • Mariam Vattalil (Rani Maria), Professed Religious of the Franciscan Clarist Congregation
  • Alessandro Vitetti, Priest of the Archdiocese of Rossano-Cariati
  • Clara Segura, Young Layperson of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires
  • Carlo Cecchi, Professed Priest of the Servites
  • Germana Sommaruga, Layperson of the Diocese of Verona, Founder of the Secular Institute of the Missionaries of the Infirm "Christ our Hope"
  • Giulio Pigotti (Michaelangelo of Marenella), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins
  • Mariacristina Cella Mocellin, Married Young Layperson of the Diocese of Padua
  • Vladyslav Kernyts'kyi (Rafail), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Conventuals, Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv of the Latins
  • Maria Encarnacion Ortega Pardo, Layperson of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei
  • Federico de Aguinaga Lopez, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Guadalajara
  • Aleksander Zienkiewicz, Priest of the Archdiocese of Wroclaw
  • Maria Rachele Ventre, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Bologna
  • Saturnino Garcia Lara, Priest of the Archdiocese of Morelia
  • Stanislaw Kownacki, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Kraków


  • Marcello Inguscio, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Catania, Cosecrated Member of the Ecclesial Familyof Church-World Mission
  • Basilio Rueda Guzman, Professed Reigious of the Marist Brothers of the Schools
  • Kazimierz Aleksander Hamerszmit, Priest of the Diocese of Elk
  • Czeslaw Domin, Bishop of Koszalin-Kolobrzeg
  • Dario Porta, Priest of the Diocese of Parma, Member of the Focolare Movement
  • Francesco Bono, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Locri-Gerace
  • Maria de Lourdes Guarda, Layperson of the Diocese of Jundiai
  • Amparo Portilla Crespo de Romero, Married Layperson of theArchdiocese of Madrid
  • Rebecca Rocamora Nadal, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante
  • Leopoldo Pastori, Priest of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions
  • Juan Manuel Martin del Campo y Martin del Campo, Priest of the Archdiocese of Xalapa
  • Henri Caffarel, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Paris, Founder of the Teams of Our Lady and Secular Institute of the Fraternity of Our Lady of the Resurrection
  • Edmundo Armando Saint'Clair Igreja, Priest of the Archdiocese of Belem do Para, Founder of the Institute of Our Lady, Mother of Divine Providence "Providento" Movement


  • Gaetana Tolomeo [Nuccia], Layperson of the Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace
  • Aristide Pirovano, Priest of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, Prelate of Macapa
  • Daniele Badiali, Priest of the Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana, Missionary of the "Fidei Donum"
  • Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Teresa), Founder of the Missionaries of Charity (Venerated: December 20, 2002) (Beatified: October 19, 2003)
  • Jose Antonio do Cuoto, Professed Priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians), Bishop of Taubate
  • Martyrs of Buta
    • Jean-Thiery Arakaza, Semenarian of the Diocese of Bururi
    • Bernard Bahufise, Semenarian of the Diocese of Bururi
    • Gabriel Sebahene, Semenarian of the Diocese of Bururi
  • Pio Giannotti (Damiano of Bazzano), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins
  • Julia Verhaeghe, Layperson of the Diocese of Feldkirch, Founder of the Spiritual Family "The Work"
  • Salvador Rivera Garcia, Professed Priest of the Discalced Carmelites
  • Adoardo Vigani, Professed Priest of the Discalced Carmelites
  • Vittorino Faccia, Professed Religious of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence


  • Maddalena Carini, Layperson of the Diocese of Ventimiglia-San Remo, Founder of the "Ave Maria" Family
  • Agustin Liebano del Blanco, Professed Priest of the Augustinians
  • Eduardo Francisco Pironio, Titular Archbishop of Tiges, Cardinal
  • Anastasio Alberto Ballestrero, Professed Priest of the Discalced Carmelites, Archbishop of Turin, Cardinal
  • Jibrayl Tarabay, Professed Priest of the Mariamite Maronites
  • Ruth Pakaluk, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Worcester
  • Vittorio Trancanelli, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Perugia-Citta della Pieve
  • Oreste Marengo, Professed Priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Bishop and Apostolic Administrator of Tura
  • Nicola Riezzo, Archbishop of Otranto
  • Martha Pereyra Iraola, Professed Religious of the Society of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Francesco Ugenti, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Bari-Bitento
  • Maria Isabel Salvat Romero, Professed Religious of the Sisters of the Company of the Cross (Venerated: January 17, 2009) (September 18, 2010)
  • Andrea Bonifazi, Priest of the Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia
  • Giuseppe Massone, Layperson of the Diocese of Savona-Noli
  • Maria de la Concepcion Cruz Alberdi Echezzareta, Professed Religious of the Order of the Immaculate Concepcion (Conceptionist Nuns)


  • Padre Pio, Franciscan friar, priest, stigmatist, and mystic
  • Jose Barbosa de Andrade, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of São Paulo
  • Arturo Ferrazzetta, Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor, Bishop of Bissau
  • Maria de la Cocepcio D'Oleza Gualde Torella, Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns
  • Henry Casolani, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Malta
  • Joaquin Erviti Lazcano, Professed Priest of the Piarists
  • Stanislaw Warzecha, Professed Priest of the Discalced Carmelites
  • Ugo Donato Bianchi, Bishop of Urbino
  • Floripes Dornelas de Jesus [Lola], Layperson of the Archdiocese of Mariana
  • Andrej Majcen, Professed Priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco
  • Antonia Mirella Solidoro, Layperson of the Diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca
  • Oscar Gattiani, Professed Priest of theFranciscan Capuchins
  • Juliu Kambarage Nyerer, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Musoma, President of Tanzania
  • Renzo Beretta, Priest of the Diocese of Como
  • Antonia Mirella Solidoro, Layperson of the Diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca
  • Hector Pessoa Camara, Archbishop of Olinda-Recife


  • Rhoel Gallardo, Professed Priest of the Claretians
  • Isolina Ferre, Professed Religious of the Missionary Servants of the Blessed Holy Trinity
  • Teresina Elsa Mainetti (Maria Laura), Professed Religious of the Sisters of the Cross
  • Rosa Lamparelli, Layperson of the Diocese of Lucera-Troia
  • Laura Busca Otaegui de Ortiz de Landazuri, Married Layperson of the Personal Prelature of the Opus Dei and Holy Cross
  • Manuel Pascual Perrin, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Bahia Blanca, Member of the Focolare Movement
  • Maria Rosaria de Angelis Bono, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Locri-Gerace
  • John Anthony Hardon, Professed Priest of the Jesuits
  • Faustina Kowalska, Apostle of Divine Mercy, Nun, Mystic


  • Benedict Onamkulam, Priest of the Archeparchy of Changanacherry
  • Maria Felix Torres, Founder of the Company of the Savoir
  • Michael Judge, Professed Priest of the Franciscans
  • Maria del Carmen Hidalgo Caviedes Gomez, Cofounder of the Oblates Sisters of Christ the Priest
  • Nazareno Lanciotti, Priest of the Diocese of Sao Luiz de Caceres, Member of the Marian Movement of Priests
  • Luigia Calliari [Ginetta], Layperson of the Diocese of Osasco, Consecrated Member of the Focolare Movement
  • Esteban Gumucio Vives, Professed Priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart (Picpus)
  • Benedicto Santos Lopez, Priest of the Archdiocese of Oviedo
  • Enrico Beretta (Alberto of Milan), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins


  • Mary Stachowicz, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Chicago
  • Franjo Kuharic, Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal
  • Bernardo Antonini, Priest of the Diocese of Verona, Professed Member of the Secular Institute of Jesus the Priest
  • Josep Maria Cases Deordal, Bishop of Segorbe-Castellon
  • Gwen Cecilia Conicker, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Steubenville, Cofounder of the Apostolate for Family Consecration
  • Encarnacion Ceron Ayuela, Professed Religious of the Canonesses Regular of Saint Augustine
  • Serapio Rivero Nicolas, Professed Priest of the Augustinians
  • Ivanna Hlova (Anna), Professed Religious of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate
  • Juan Diego is the first Roman Catholic indigenous American saint.


  • Giovanni Andreoli, Priest of the Diocese of Verona
  • Eduardo Tomas Boza Masdival, Titular Bishop of Vinda, Auxiliary Bishop of San Cristobal de la Habana
  • Adolfo Rodriguez Herrera, Archbishop of Camguey
  • Matteo de Angelis, Professed Priest of the Augustinians
  • Giuseppe de Santis, Priest of the Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia
  • Juan Jose Barcia Goyanes, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Valencia
  • Mireya Asunta Escalante Innecco, Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns
  • Maurice Michael Otunga, Archbishop of Nairobi, Cardinal
  • Srecko Peran (Ivo), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor
  • Miguel Antonio Salas Salas, Priest of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists), Archbishop of Mérida


  • Rosa Deulofeu Gonzalez, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Barcelona
  • Salvadora Onorata del Hoyo Alonso [Dora], Layperson of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei
  • Maria Simma, Layperson of the Diocese of Sonntag
  • Licia Gualandris Manelli, Married Layperson of the Vicariate of Rome
  • Dennis Eugene Hurley, Professed Priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Archbishop of Durban
  • Francisco Jose Perez Fernandez-Golfin, Bishop of Getafe
  • Vincenzo Savio, Professed Priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Bishop of Belluno-Feltre
  • Jeanne-Marie Kegelin, Child of the Archdiocese of Strasbourg
  • Nicola Antonio Columbro (Isaia), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor
  • Mikiel Attard, Priest of the Diocese of Gozo
  • Maria del Rosario Egido Izquierdo, Professed Religious of the Order of Immaculate Concepcion (Conceptionist Nuns)
  • Maria Esperanza Medrano Parra de Bianchini, Married Layperson of the Dioceses of Los Teques and Metuche
  • Ettore Boschini, Professed Religious of the Camillians
  • Ladislav Kubicek, Priest of the Diocese of Litomerice
  • Maria Isabel Trinidad Marco Garmendia, Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns
  • Gianfranco Chiti (Gianfranco Maria of Gignese), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins
  • Fernando Rielo Pardal, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Madrid, Founder of the Idente Missionaries of Christ the Redeemer
  • Raffaele Gentile, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Catazaro-Squillace


  • Rafael Calabuig Adan (Ignacio Maria), Professed Priest of the Servites
  • Lucia dos Santos, Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns
  • Luigi Giussani, Priest of the Archdiocese of Milan, Founder of the Communion and Liberation Movement, Mmemorares Domini Lay Aassociation, and Sisters of Charity of the Assumption
  • Karol Jozef Wojtyla, Pope (Venerated: December 19, 2009) (Beatified: May 01, 2011) (Canonized: April 27, 2014)
  • Giancarlo Bertolotti, Layperson of the Diocese of Lodi
  • Dorothy Mae Stang, Professed Religious of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
  • Maria Luiza Resende Marques, Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelites
  • Bernhard Thanhauser (Fortunatus), Professed Religious of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God, Founder of the Sisters of Charity of Saint John of God


  • Carlo Acutis, Child of the Archdiocese of Milan
  • Jean-Thierry Ebogo, Professed Cleric of the Discalced Carmelites
  • Teresa Encarnacion Crespo Roig (Maria Carmen), Professed Religious of the Carmelite Nuns of Ancient Observance
  • Andrea Santoro, Priest of the Vicariate of Rome, Missionary of the "Fedei Donum"
  • Divo Barsotti, Priest and Founder of the Community of the Sons of God
  • Joseph Walijewski, Priest of the Diocese of La Crosse
  • Aloisio Sebastiao Boeing, Professed Priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians), and Founder of the Marian Fraternity of the Heart of Jesus
  • Amelia Cimolino, Professed Religious of the Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa
  • Fedinando Negri [Nando], Priest of the Diocese of Chiavari
  • Luciano Pedro Mendes de Almeida, Professed Priest of the Jesuits, Archbishop of Mariana
  • Rosa Maria Sgorbati (Leonella), Professed Religious of the Consolata Missionary Sisters
  • Arturo D'Onofrio, Priest of the Diocese of Nola, Founder of the Missionaries of Divine Redemption, and Little Sister-Apostles of the Redemption
  • Ruggero Cipolla, Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor
  • Marie-Dominique Philippe, Professed Priest of the Dominicans


  • Antonino Baglieri [Nino], Layperson of the Diocese of Noto, Member of the Volunteers with Don Bosco
  • Eugenio Romero Pose, Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid
  • Audrey Marie Santo, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Worcester
  • Enrique Pelach Feliu, Bishop of Abancay
  • Oreste Benzi, Priest of the Diocese of Rimini, Founder of the Community of Pope John XXIII


  • Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception
  • Jose Zilli [Giuseppe], Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor
  • Andrew Bertie, Layperson of the Vicariate of Rome, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
  • Peter Poreku Dery, Archbishop of Tamale, Cardinal
  • Silvia Lubich (Chiara), Layperson of the Diocese of Frascati, Founder of the Focolare Movement
  • Irena Sendler, Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Warsaw
  • Dorothy Hennessey, Professed Religious of the Franciscan Nuns
  • Antonietta Bohm, Professed Religious of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters)
  • Angelo Angioni, Priest of the Diocese of Sao Jose do Rio Preto


  • Fortunata Evolo, Married Layperson of the Diocese of Paravati
  • Guido Vidal Franca Schaffer, Seminarian of the Archdiocese of Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro
  • Saint Nuno of Saint Mary, Portugal´s Fighting Saint.


  • Mary MacKillop, the first Australian Saint


  • Stefano Gobbi, Priest of the Diocese of Como, Founder of the Marian Movement of Priests
  • Maurina Borges da Silveira (Irma Maurina), Professed Religious of the Franciscan Nuns


  • Kateri Tekakwitha
  • Pedro Calungsod
  • Marianne Cope
  • Anna Schaffer


  • Martyrs of Otranto


  • Pope John XXIII
  • Pope John Paul II
  • Pope Paul VI
  • Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara
  • Euphrasia Eluvathingal

Martyrs of South Korea

- 1st Martyrs - (101 Martyrs)

  • Andreas Kim Tae-Gon, Priest of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Paulus Chong Ha-Sang, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Caecilia Yu So-Sa, Married Layperson of the Apostolic Viacriate of Korea
  • Petrus Yu Tae-Chol, Child of the Apostolic Vocariate of Korea
  • Elisabeth Chong Chong-Hye, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Paulus Ho Hyob, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Laurent-Joseph-Marius Imbert, Priest of the Missionary Society for Foreign Missions and Apostolic Vicar of Korea
  • Antonius Kim Song-U, Married Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea, Catechist (Venerated: May 9, 1925/July 4, 1968) (Beatified: July 5, 1925/October 6, 1968) (Canonized: May 6, 1984)

- 2nd Martyrs - (123 Martyrs)

  • Paulus Yun Ji-Chung, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Iacobus Kwon Sang-Yeon, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Sabas Ji Hwang, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Ioannes Yun Jung-Cheol, Married Young Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Lutgarda Yi Sun-I, Married Young Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Anastasia Yi Bong-Geum, Child of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Brigida Choe, Married Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea (Venerated: )

Martyrs of North Korea

- 1st Martyrs - (132 Martyrs)

  • Matthias Choe Byeong-Gweon, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Korea
  • Agatha Jang, Layperson of the Diocese of Hamhung
  • Karl Fischer, Layperson of the Diocese of Pyongyang
  • Maria Gestmayer, Layperson of the Diocese of Chagang-do

- 2nd Martyrs - (36 Martyrs)

  • Eugenie Schutz, Professed Religious of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing
  • Philippus Han Yung-Sung, Priest of the Archdiocese of Seoul
  • Petrus Yi Jae-Cheol, Priest of the Diocese of Hamhung
  • Marcus Kim Dong-Cheol, Priest of the Diocese of Hamhung

- 3rd Martyrs - (80 Martyrs)

  • Augustinus Sin Jae-Sun, Young Layperson of the Diocese of Jeju
  • Franciscu Borgia Hong Yong-Ho, Apostolic Vicar of Pyongyang
  • Petrus I Gyu-Sik, Seminarian of the Diocese of Pynagyang

Martyrs of Uganda

(20 Martyrs)

  • Carolus Lwanga, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Uganda
  • Kizito, Child of the Apostolic Vicariate of Uganda
  • Iosephus Mukasa Balikuddembe, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Uganda
  • Tuzinde, Young Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Ugnada
  • Andreas Kaggwa, Layperson of the Apostolic Vicariate of Uganda (Venerated: February 29, 1920) (Beatified: June 06, 1920) (Canonized: October 18, 1964)

See also

  • List of early Christian saints
  • List of canonizations, for a list of Catholic canonizations by date
  • Calendar of saints
  • Doctor of the church
  • Patron saint
  • Martyrology
  • Roman Martyrology
  • Saint symbology
  • List of blesseds
  • List of venerable people (Roman Catholic)
  • List of Servants of God (Roman Catholic Church)
  • Saints in Anglicanism
  • Saints in Methodism
  • List of saints of Ireland
  • List of Russian saints


External links

  • Extensive categorized lists of Catholic Saints
  • Catholic Saints by patronage topics
  • Catholic Online list of saints

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