
Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

This is a list of plants by common name that are native to the U.S. state of Oregon.

  • Adobe parsley
  • Alaska blueberry
  • American wild carrot
  • >Austin's popcornflower
  • Awned melic
  • Azalea
  • Azure penstemon
  • Baby blue eyes
  • Baldhip rose
  • Beach strawberry
  • Beach wormwood
  • Bearded lupine
  • Bensoniella
  • Bigleaf maple
  • Bigleaf sedge
  • Birdnest buckwheat
  • Birthroot, western trillium
  • Bitter cherry
  • Bleeding heart
  • Blow-wives
  • Blue elderberry
  • Bog Labrador tea
  • Bolander's lily
  • Bridges' cliffbreak
  • Brook wakerobin
  • Brown dogwood
  • Buckbrush
  • Bugle hedgenettle
  • Bunchberry
  • California broomrape
  • California buttercup
  • California canarygrass
  • California goldfields
  • California milkwort
  • California phacelia
  • California stoneseed
  • California wild rose
  • Camas
  • Canary violet
  • Canyon gooseberry
  • Cascara
  • Castle Lake bedstraw
  • Charming centaury
  • Chinese caps
  • Citrus fawn lily
  • Coastal cryptantha
  • Coastal sand-verbena
  • Coastal sneezeweed
  • Coastal woodfern
  • Cobra lily
  • Cobwebby thistle
  • Cook's lomatium
  • Common agrimony
  • Common star lily
  • Copperbush
  • Creamcups
  • Cream stonecrop
  • Crimson columbine
  • Crown brodiaea
  • Cusick's giant hyssop
  • Cusick's stickweed
  • Daggerpod
  • Davy mannagrass
  • Deer fern
  • Del Norte pea
  • Desert Indian paintbrush
  • Douglas-fir
  • Douglas iris
  • Douglas' silverpuffs
  • Douglas' stitchwort
  • Douglas' violet
  • Downy pincushionplant
  • Dusky onion
  • Dutchman's breeches
  • Dwarf ceanothus
  • Dwarf Oregon-grape
  • Eelgrass
  • Elegant brodiaea
  • Engelmann spruce
  • English sundew
  • Evergreen huckleberry
  • False lily-of-the-valley
  • False Solomon seal
  • Firecracker flower
  • Forest clover
  • Frigid shooting star
  • Fringecup
  • Gambel's dwarf milkvetch
  • Giant blazingstar
  • Giant chain fern
  • Giant purple wakerobin
  • Glandular yellow phacelia
  • Goldeneggs
  • Goldenfleece
  • Golden inside-out flower
  • Gorman's buttercup
  • Grand fir
  • Gray chickensage
  • Gray's biscuitroot
  • Gray's catchfly
  • Grants Pass willowherb
  • Grasswidows
  • Greene's popcornflower
  • Ground rose
  • Grouseberry
  • Hardhack
  • Hasse's vetch
  • Henderson's angelica
  • Hollyleaf pincushionplant
  • Horsetail, scouring rush horsetail
  • Howell's saxifrage
  • Huckleberry oak
  • Hupa gooseberry
  • Idaho trillium, round leaf trillium
  • Incense-cedar mistletoe
  • Indian celery
  • Indian pipe
  • Indian warrior
  • Jaumea
  • Jaynes Canyon buckwheat
  • Juniper
  • Juniper mistletoe
  • Kalmiopsis
  • Kellogg's monkeyflower
  • Kellogg's umbrellawort
  • Kincaid's lupine
  • Kinnikinnick
  • Klamath fawn lily
  • Klamath sedge
  • Lady fern
  • Leafy fleabane
  • Leiberg's clover
  • Licorice fern
  • Little false Solomon seal
  • MacFarlane's four-o'clock
  • Madrone
  • Maidenhair fern
  • Malheur wirelettuce
  • Manzanita
  • Mapleleaf checkerbloom
  • Marigold pincushionplant
  • Marsh violet
  • Mendocino gentian
  • Miner's lettuce
  • Mojave pincushion
  • Mountain pride
  • Naked mariposa lily
  • Nakedsteam phacelia
  • Narrowpetal wakerobin
  • Nevada bluegrass
  • Nevada lupine
  • Nootka reedgrass
  • Nootka rose
  • North Umpqua kalmiopsis
  • Notchleaf clover
  • Ocean spray
  • Oregon false goldenaster
  • Oregon iris
  • Oregon-grape
  • Oregon manroot
  • Oregon mock-orange
  • Oregon myrtle
  • Oregon oxalis
  • Oregon western rosinweed
  • Oregon white oak
  • Osoberry
  • Pacific coralroot
  • Pacific ninebark
  • Pacific rhododendron
  • Paper birch
  • Parish's nightshade
  • Piggyback plant
  • Pinemat manzanita
  • Pink honeysuckle
  • Pink spineflower
  • Pinto violet
  • Playa phacelia
  • Poison oak
  • Lemon balm
  • Ponderosa pine
  • Port Orford cedar
  • Prettyface
  • Prostrate buckwheat
  • Pygmy rose
  • Radishroot woodsorrel
  • Rayless ragwort
  • Red alder
  • Red clintonia
  • Red flowering currant
  • Red huckleberry
  • Redwood pea
  • Roseflower stonecrop
  • Red osier dogwood
  • Ribbed fringepod
  • Round-leaved sundew
  • Royal rein orchid
  • Rusty popcornflower
  • Sagebrush
  • Salal
  • Salmonberry
  • Salmon polemonium
  • Sanborn's onion
  • San Diego raspberry
  • Serpentine arnica
  • Serviceberry
  • Shadscale
  • Shaggy hawkweed
  • Shasta knotweed
  • Sheldon's sedge
  • Shieldleaf
  • Shore pine
  • Shorthair reedgrass
  • Short-podded thelypody
  • Sierra gooseberry
  • Sierra willow
  • Silky horkelia
  • Silver lupine
  • Silver sagebrush
  • Siskiyou bluecurls
  • Siskiyou false hellebore
  • Siskiyou fleabane
  • Siskiyou fritillary
  • Siskiyou lewisia
  • Siskiyou mariposa lily
  • Snowberry
  • Snow plant
  • Splithair Indian paintbrush
  • Spring draba
  • Spurry buckwheat
  • Stemless dwarf cudweed
  • Sticky currant
  • Sticky monkeyflower
  • Stingining phacelia
  • Swamp rose
  • Sword fern
  • Thimbleberry
  • Torrey's blue-eyed Mary
  • Trailing blackberry
  • Trailing gooseberry
  • Tricolor monkeyflower
  • Tuni
  • Twinleaf onion
  • Umpqua mariposa lily
  • Valley tassels
  • Veatch's blazingstar
  • Vine maple
  • Washington lily
  • Waterleaf
  • Water pennywort
  • Western fringed catchfly
  • Western goblin
  • Western hemlock
  • Western lily
  • Western juniper
  • Western red cedar
  • Western water hemlock
  • Western white pine dwarf mistletoe
  • Western yellow woodsorrel
  • Whitestem gooseberry
  • Wild crab apple
  • Wild ginger
  • Willamette daisy
  • Woolly meeadowfoam
  • Woollypod milkvetch
  • Yellow lady's slipper

See also

Wild Edible Plants in your Backyard! (HD) - http://primitivepathways.com Spring is here, and it's a great time to forage for wild edible plants! It's amazing how many edible plants can be found growing in your own backyard. Come...

  • Lists of Oregon-related topics
  • List of Oregon birds

General reference

Know and Grow Portland Natives | Portland Monthly
Know and Grow Portland Natives | Portland Monthly. Source : www.pdxmonthly.com

  • Native and Naturalized Plants of Oregon

External links

List of California native plants - Wikipedia
List of California native plants - Wikipedia. Source : en.wikipedia.org

  • Native Plants of the Northwest

Plant Lists for Oregon (Oregon Wildflower Lists)
Plant Lists for Oregon (Oregon Wildflower Lists). Source : science.halleyhosting.com

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