
Rabu, 02 Februari 2022

Who are the kids who don't like dolls? Yes, cute characters are certainly entertainment for kids, especially girls. In fact, dolls are not always synonymous with girls. There are many dolls with specific characters that properly represent the character of a boy.

Even if they are cute, many adults have a hobby of collecting dolls. This habit usually begins as a child. In general, those who liked playing with dolls as a child bring this habit to adults. Dolls are universal regardless of age or gender, so there is nothing wrong with them.

Now, this time I'm invited to recollect the most popular dolls ever. What are some of them?

  • Hello Kitty

The first doll to discuss is the Hello Kitty character doll. This cat doll character, whose real name is Kitty White, was first designed by a Japanese company called Sanrio. First introduced in 1974, this doll without a unique ribbon and mouth depicts a cat.

Initially, these dolls were aimed at girls.However, as time went on, many boys also collected dolls called in Japanese. Harokiti this. Now, Hello Kitty enthusiasts actually have a special name, Cythera.

  • Doraemon

Still from Sakura no Kuni, the next very famous character doll is Doraemon. Initially, Doraemon was the title of a manga and anime written by Fujiko Fujio. The manga produced from 1969 tells the life of a lazy boy in fifth grade called Nobita, who was visited by a cat robot (Doraemon) from the 22nd century.

Doraemon uses magic bags and bamboo propellers to help Nobita out of all difficulties, including when he is bullied by his school friends Suneo and Jean. Now, Doraemon's legendary character created and inspired the people who created and created Doraemon in the doll version.

  • Teddy bear

The next most popular doll in the world is the teddy bear. This doll has been aimed at children since it was first made by Morris Michtom of the United States and Richard Steiff of Germany in the early 20th century. The name Teddy Bear itself is named after US President Theodore Roosevelt, who loves bear hunting.

Of the many dolls and toys in the world, teddy bears are probably the most iconic. This is because it was used as a material for children's stories, made in movies, and inserted into the lyrics of nursery rhymes.

Today, teddy bears come in a variety of shapes, styles, materials and colors. Even enthusiasts are not limited to children. Many adults also use this teddy bear character as a form of expression of love, congratulations, or sympathy.

  • Pokemon

You are certainly familiar with Pokemon characters, aren't you? Yes, in addition to being famous for the movie, Pokemon has also become famous due to the recent release of a game called Augmented Reality Concept Game or Pokemon-GO.

Pokemon itself is a Japanese product that is an acronym for Pokemon. About 721 fictional seeds appear in this movie. The unique character of this movie eventually encouraged many to create the same Pokemon doll as Yellow. In addition to dolls, Pokemon Festivals are held regularly every year in my home country.

  • Barbie

Does anyone know of Barbie dolls? Yes, this beautiful leg and foot doll is synonymous with girls. Barbie itself was first manufactured by the American company Mattel and was introduced to the public in March 1959.

Barbie maker Ruth Handler admitted that she was encouraged to make these beautiful dolls from a German doll called Biltrili that she bought during her visit. When he returned to the United States, the handler redesigned the doll with the help of Jack Ryan and then gave him a new name, Barbie. This Barbie doll first appeared at the North American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959. So far, this date has finally been set to Barbie's birthday.

You certainly hear a lot of news about people with Barbie Syndrome, right? Yes, one of them is a Ukrainian model named Valeria Lukyanova. She suddenly gained public attention after deciding to "completely overhaul" her entire body to resemble her favorite doll, Barbie. Who do you think still has the Barbie collection at home?

  • Winnie the Pooh

Another doll named after Barbie at the center of the world community is Winnie the Pooh, or Pooh Bear (Edward), an adaptation of a fictional bear character, commonly created by AA Milne. Also known as a bear). Pooh was first introduced to the public in a fictional book called "Winnie the Pooh" (1926), followed by a house in Pooh Yokocho (1928).

Pooh himself has a close friend, a piglet piglet. His other friends include a tiger tiger, a rabbit rabbit, a kangaroo kangaroo, a donkey Eeyore, and Pooh's only human friend is Robin.

Due to his interesting story of friendship, this book has been translated into many languages. Even moviemakers like Disney don't want to be left behind by making a movie away from this cute yellow bear character. In 1997, the United Nations appointed Winnie the Pooh, a famous cartoon character from the movie, as a friendship ambassador for the world. Wow, how cool is it?

  • Elmo

Another popular character doll is Elmo. Elmo itself is a modified version of one of the red-winged bird mappet characters of the television show "Sesame Street" (translated as "Jalan Sesama" in Indonesian) intended for children under the age of five to watch. is.

Elmo himself was originally known as a baby monster. Elmo's fun and cheerful characters eventually inspired some parties to create Elmo in the form of dolls that could be sold in stores.

  • unicorn

The last doll that has been very popular with children since ancient times is the unicorn, a horse-shaped character doll with a horn on the forehead. It is clear that this character did not exist and was merely a fiction based on ancient Greek mythology named Cornus. Although it has a cute shape, it has finally become a doll or a children's toy.

Well, it's a collection of dolls that have been popular from the past to the present. Which one do you still have?

Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/3677/kumpulan-boneka-terpopuler-sepanjang-masa

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