
Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

The Banu Kalb (Arabic: بنو كلب) was one of the tribes of Arabia during Muhammad's era.The Banu Kalb claimed descent from the Yemenites. The Quraish led a propaganda campaign against the Prophet in order to gain allies and incite hatred towards. By sending out expeditions, it would weaken the enemy and refute the propaganda.

Abdur Rahman bin Awf was sent to Dumatul Jandal to invite them to Islam. He stayed there for three days performing dawah work which resulted their chief, Asbagh bin 'Amr Kalbi, who was a Christian at that time, to embrace Islam. Soon after that, the majority followed him by embracing Islam.

Banu Kalb thought nowadays exist by majority in North-west Syria especially in Homs and Qardaha.

Umm ul-Banin

Banu Kalb

Fatimah Kalbiyyah was a sacred woman, born in AH 5, according to Muslim Lunar calendar. She belonged to the powerful and main Arab tribe of Banu Kalb. She loved the Children of Fatimah Zaharaa, daughter of Muhammad the messenger of God, from her heart. She requested her husband Ali Ibn-e Abee Talib, not to call her Fatimah after her marriage to him, partly because of sanctity she bore for Fatima tuz-Zehra, and partly because it evoked the grief in the hearts of children of Bibi Fatema tuz-Zehra. Fatimah bint Hizam al-Qilabiyya, commonly known as Umm ul-Banin ("mother of several sons"), married Ali (Ali ibn Abi Talib), after the death of his first wife Fatimah. Ummul Banin and Ali had four sons, of which the eldest was Al-Abbas ibn Ali (the commander of Husayn ibn Ali's forces at the Battle of Karbala). Also Uthman ibn Ali who was martyred at the battle. Her two other sons were Abdullah ibn Ali and Jafar ibn Ali. She inspired and educated her own children to understand the fact, that they were slaves to Imam Husain. Her sons never claimed to be brothers of Husain, rather claimed to be his slaves, as their mother wished. She died at the youthful age of 59 lunar years in year 64 AH. She was the first one to hold a congregation [Majlis] for Imam Husain bin Ali right after his martyrdom. She was a poetess, and wrote the first latmiyyah in his honor.

Zayd ibn Harithah

Banu Kalb

Zayd ibn Harithah was an Arab from the tribe of Banu Kalb who was captured as a boy and brought to Makkah to be sold in the slave market. He was bought by Khadijah's nephew and put in her service. In Khadijah's household, Zayd became attached to Muhammad and devoted himself to his service. Their relationship was like that of a son to a father. Indeed when Zayd's father came to Makkah in search of him, Zayd was given the choice by Muhammad of either going with his father or staying with him. Zayd's reply to his father was:

"I shall never leave this man. He has treated me nobly, as a father would treat his son. Not a single day have I felt that I am a slave. He has looked after me well. He is kind and loving towards me and strives for my enjoyment and happiness. He is the most noble of men and the greatest person in creation. How can I leave him and go with you?...I shall never leave him." Later, in public Muhammad proclaimed the freedom of Zayd. However, Zayd continued to live with him as part of his household and devoted himself to his service.

Wahi al-Kalbi

Banu Kalb

It is narrated in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim that Gabriel came to the Prophet while Umm Salama was present. Gabriel started talking (to the Prophet and then left. The Prophet said to Um Salama, "(Do you know) who it was?" (or a similar question). She said, "It was Dihya (a handsome person amongst the companions of the Prophet)." Later on Um Salama said, "By Allah! I thought he was none but Dihya, till I heard the Prophet talking about Gabriel in his sermon."

Basically they would resemble each other a lot. e.g. In dress:

Malik said: Jibril was seen in the image of (the Companion) Dihya (ibn Khalifa) al-Kalbi, and he was wearing a turban with its extremity hanging between his shoulder-blades. (a handsome person amongst the companions of the Prophet)." Later on Um Salama said, "By Allah! I thought he was none but Dihya, till I heard the Prophet talking about Gabriel in his sermon."

Malik said: Jibril was seen in the image of (the Companion) Dihya (ibn Khalifa) al-Kalbi, and he was wearing a turban with its extremity hanging between his shoulder-blades.

Abdullah ibn Omayr Abu Wahab al Kalbi

Abdullah ibn Omayr Abu Wahab al Kalbi was one of the Companions of Husayn ibn Ali, who was martyred along with him in the battle of Karbala. Abu Wahab Al Kalbi joined Husayn ibn Ali in Karbala and fought alongside him. He belonged to Al Kalb tribe majority of whom were adherents of Christianity at that time.[1] His wife Umm Wahab was amongst the female Martyrs of Karbala. Abu Wahab was a Christian by birth and converted to Islam. He was a known businessperson of Kufa. Abu Wahab discussed with his mother and wife before converting to Islam and later joining Al Husayn ibn Ali in the battle against Yazid's forces. Abu Wahab was returning from Kufa after getting married. He was still seventeen years and his wife was just twelve years old. When Abu Wahab was passing from Karbala he saw Husayn ibn Ali surrounded by the enemies and was along with his family and very few friends.

Abu Wahab was aroused by Al Husayn’s spiritual charisma in such a manner that he was reluctant to leave him despite of being aware about the consequences of staying with Husayn ibn Ali. Abu Wahab was a tall and masculine man with broad shoulders, who was held with very high esteem among his people, and was known of his courage and soldierly experience.

On the preceding night of Ashura the following conversion was held between Abu Wahab and his mother:

Abu Wahab asked her: 'Mother! What should I do in this situation?' The mother asked Wahab: 'How do you feel yourself, my son?' Wahab said: 'In my opinion Husayn is on the just path and it would be cowardly and against all traditions of Arab chivalry and gallantry to leave the side of a man so isolated and surrounded by blood-thirsty enemies.' The mother said: 'But that means definite death.' Wahab replied: 'Yes I know, but my heart tells me that this is the right thing to do, in these circumstances.' The mother then said: 'If that is how you feel then we will stay with Husayn.'

Abu Wahab’s mother then pleaded on his behalf and said:

"O grandson of the prophet of Islam ! It will be an honor for me if my son fights for you and gives his life protecting you." Husayn was still reluctant to accept Wahab as one of his soldiers and advised him not to risk his life that too in a matter which concerns Muslims. When Abu Wahab saw this, he said:

'O grandson of the prophet of Islam! If that is the case then, from this moment on, I am a Muslim.' Abu Wahab testified (Kalimah) that: “There is none worth worshiping besides Allah and Mohammad is His messenger” Abu Wahab participated in the retaliatory attack when Al Shimr attacked Al Husayn's right wing. Wahab in that engagement killed 31 of them, of which 19 were Horsemen and 12 were Footmen. His right hand was severed by Hani ibn thabit al Hadrami and left hand by Bakr ibn Hayy having left without arms he was taken captive and killed on that spot. Abu Wahab was then beheaded and his head was thrown towards Husayn ibn Ali's camp, it was picked up by his mother, she took it, wiped the blood from it then ran in the direction of the enemy forces. Husayn ibn Ali sent her back saying, “Go back, may Allah have mercy on you, for you are exempted from participating in Jihad.” She went back saying, “O Allah! Do not disappoint me!” Al Husayn said to her, “May Allah never disappoint you!”

According to a hadith by Muhammad, the mother of the sufyani will also belong to some of the clans of the tribe of Banu kalb and will also have some of their support .


Banu Kalb

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