
Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

The expedition of Abdur Rahman bin Auf, also known as the Second Expedition of Dumatul Jandal took place in December, 627AD, 8th(Sha'ban) month of 6AH of the Islamic calendar. Abdur Rahman bin Auf was sent on a Mission to win over the Banu Kalb tribe and get them to adopt Islam and side with the Muslims, this operation was carried out successfully.

The Expedition

Muhammad appointed Abdur Rahman bin Auf to head to Dumatul Jandal to win over the people. It is reported by the Muslim Scholar Ibn Hisham, that he told Abdur Rahman:

Fight everyone in the way of God and kill those who disbelieve in God. Do not be deceitful with spoils, do not be treacherous, nor mutilate,do not kill children. This is God’s ordinance and practice of his prophet among you.
[Ibn Hisham, Sirat Rasul Allah , p. 672]

Abdur Rahman set out with 700 men on an expedition to Dumat al-Jandal, that is on the route to Khaybar, Fadak. The place was a great trading center; the inhabitants were mainly Christians and were ruled by a Christian king. Following the Islamic rule, on reaching Dumatul Jandal, Abdur Rahman summoned the people of the tribe to embrace Islam within three days grace.

During the 3 day period, Al-Asbagh, a Christian chief of Banu Kalb complied and many of his followers also followed suit. Other tribes also paid tribute (Jizya) to Abdur Rahman. On agreement to pay Jizya tax regularly, they were allowed to keep their Christianity.

Muhammad received the news through a Messenger, and then instructed Abdur Rahman to marry Tamadhir, the daughter of the Christian chief, Al-Asbagh. So Abdur Rahman married Tumadhir bint Asbagh, the daughter of the Christian king and brought this lady with him to Medina.


  1. ^ a b c Mubarakpuri, Saifur Rahman Al (2005), The sealed nectar: biography of the Noble Prophet, Darussalam Publications, p. 395  (online)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Muir, William (1861), The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, Volume 4, Smith, Elder & Co, pp. 11â€"12 
  3. ^ a b Watt, W. Montgomery (1956). Muhammad at Medina. Oxford University Press. p. 115. ISBN 978-0-19-577307-1. Abd ar-Rahman led a force to the district, made some sort of agreement with the leader of Kalb there, al-Asya* (or al-Asbagh) b. f Amr, and sealed it by marry-ing his daughter Tumadir. 1 One account says that al-Asya c became a Muslim, but another speaks of 'Abd ar-Rahman collecting jizyah or poll-tax, which would imply that he remained a Christian ; the latter seems more likely.  (free online)
  4. ^ Abū Khalīl, Shawqī (2003). Atlas of the Quran. Dar-us-Salam. p. 242. ISBN 978-9960-897-54-7. 
  5. ^ Hawarey, Dr. Mosab (2010). The Journey of Prophecy; Days of Peace and War (Arabic). Islamic Book Trust. Note: Book contains a list of battles of Muhammad in Arabic, English translation available here
  6. ^ a b Mufti M. Mukarram Ahmed (205). Encyclopaedia of Islam. Anmol Publications. p. 229. ISBN 81-261-2339-7. 
  7. ^ Ibn Ishaq, A. Guillaume (translator) (2002), The Life of Muhammad (Sirat Rasul Allah), Oxford University Press, p. 672, ISBN 978-0-19-636033-1 

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