
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Khaled bin Sinan al-`Abasi was (according to Islam) a revered figure of pre-Islamic Arabia who is thought to have lived sometime between the 1st and 7th century CE. Historical accounts narrate that he was one of a line of prophets sent to the Arab peoples, beginning with Ismā'īl and ending with Muhammad.

The name "Khaled" appears in the supplication of Ummi Dawud among a list of persons who the author asks (God) to be blessed; most of whom appear in the Qur`an as prophets. It is believed that this is in reference to Khaled bin Sinan.

He should not be confused with the companion of Muhammad of the same name, "Khalid ibn Sinan al-Awsi", who fought in the Battle of Badr.


Khaled bin Sinan

Ibn 'Arabi included a short chapter on the "Wisdom of Resource in the Word of Khalid" in his famous Fusoos al-Hikam (Bezels of Wisdom), in which he gives an exegesis of the story of Khalid ibn Sinan, and his intention to bear witness to the truthfulness of the prophets' message after his death, from the Barzakh, an intermediate stage between death and Judgment Day in the Islamic worldview. Because his intention was to manifest this sign, but his body was never disinterred, and so his sign remained unfulfilled. Ibn 'Arabi concludes that sincere intention to perform a good deed, but being prevented by factors outside one's control, is the same as, and is rewarded equally as, carrying out that intention successfully.

See also

Khaled bin Sinan
  • Prophets in Islam


  • Khaled the prophet, Farhad Ghorban Dordinejad. A brief biography.
  • Regarding Khalid ibn Sinan. Commentary on subject's Prophethood.
  • Du`a Umm Dawood. English translation of the historical accounts of the subject's life.

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