
Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Articles in social and political philosophy include:


  • 'And' theory of conservatism
  • A Conflict of Visions
  • A Few Words on Non-Intervention
  • A Vindication of the Rights of Men
  • Accountability
  • Action theory
  • Actual Idealism
  • Adam Müller
  • Adamites
  • Agency (philosophy)
  • Aggravation of class struggle under socialism
  • Agonism
  • Al-Khidr
  • Alan Carter (philosopher)
  • Alan Ryan
  • Alastair Norcross
  • Alexis de Tocqueville
  • Alfred Rosenberg
  • Alon Ben-Meir
  • Altruism
  • Anarch (sovereign individual)
  • Anarchism in Cuba
  • Anarchism in Korea
  • Anarchism in Vietnam
  • Anarchism
  • Anarchist communism
  • Anarchist Manifesto
  • Anarchist schools of thought
  • Anarcho-capitalism
  • Anarcho-primitivism
  • Anarchy, State, and Utopia
  • Andrei Marga
  • Animalism (Animal Farm)
  • Anomie
  • Anti-clericalism
  • Anti-communism
  • Anti-consumerism
  • Anti-elitism
  • Anti-environmentalism
  • Anti-Germans (communist current)
  • Anti-racist mathematics
  • Anti-Revisionism
  • Anti-Stalinist left
  • Antigone (Sophocles)
  • Antimilitarism
  • António Castanheira Neves
  • Antonio Negri
  • Apology (Plato)
  • Archon
  • Aristotle
  • Armchair revolutionary
  • Armin Mohler
  • Arthur Linton Corbin
  • Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
  • Asian values
  • Auctoritas
  • Augustinian values
  • Austrofascism
  • Authenticity (philosophy)
  • Authoritarianism
  • Authority
  • Avant-Garde and Kitsch
  • Avant-garde
  • Avodah
  • Axel Honneth
  • Ayn Rand


Index of social and political philosophy articles
  • Bad faith (existentialism)
  • Bad originalism
  • Banality of Evil
  • Barracks communism
  • Basic norm
  • Basileus
  • Beerwolf
  • Benjamin Tucker
  • Bertrand Russell
  • Between Facts and Norms
  • Biopolitics
  • Biopower
  • Black Panther Party
  • Blanquism
  • Bolshevik
  • Bonapartism (Marxism)
  • Bourgeoisie
  • Bruno Leoni


Index of social and political philosophy articles
  • Capital punishment
  • Capitalism
  • Carl Joachim Friedrich
  • Carl Schmitt
  • Carlo Lottieri
  • Carmen Laforet
  • Catonism
  • Celine's laws
  • Censorship under fascist regimes
  • Charles Blattberg
  • Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu
  • Charles Fremont Dight
  • Charles Taylor (philosopher)
  • Christian communism
  • Christian existentialism
  • Christofascism
  • Citationality
  • Citizen Cyborg
  • Civic nationalism
  • Civic virtue
  • Civics
  • Civil liberties
  • Civil Societarian
  • Class collaboration
  • Class consciousness
  • Classical liberalism
  • Claude Lefort
  • Claude Lévi-Strauss
  • Clerical fascism
  • Clericalism
  • Cocolo
  • Coercion
  • Commodity fetishism
  • Commodity form theory
  • Common ownership
  • Heimin Shimbun
  • Communicative rationality
  • Communism
  • Communitarianism
  • Communization
  • Compassionate conservatism
  • Computer ethics
  • Conflict theory
  • Confucian view of marriage
  • Confucianism in Indonesia
  • Confucianism
  • Confucius
  • Conscience
  • Consensual living
  • Consensus democracy
  • Consent of the governed
  • Consent Theory
  • Consequentialist justifications of the state
  • Conservatism worldwide
  • Conservatism
  • Conservative Christianity
  • Constantin Radulescu-Motru
  • Constitutional law
  • Constitutional right
  • Constitutional theory
  • Consumerism
  • Contemporary Political Theory
  • Cooperative federalism
  • Core democratic values
  • Corelative
  • Cornel West
  • Cornelius Castoriadis
  • Corporatism
  • Cosmopolitanism
  • Costas Douzinas
  • Council communism
  • Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook
  • Critical discourse analysis
  • Critical historiography
  • Critical international relations theory
  • Critical legal studies
  • Critical pedagogy
  • Critical race theory
  • Criticisms of communism
  • Criticisms of Communist party rule
  • Critique (Journal of Socialist Theory)
  • Critique of capitalism
  • Critique of Dialectical Reason
  • Crito
  • Crypto-fascism
  • Ctheory
  • Cultural hegemony
  • Cultural materialism (anthropology)
  • Cultural materialism (cultural studies)
  • Cultural studies


Index of social and political philosophy articles
  • Das Kapital
  • David Kolb
  • David Miller (political theorist)
  • De re publica
  • Decembrio - family of scholars
  • Defensive democracy
  • Definitions of fascism
  • Delegate model of representation
  • Delegated authority
  • Democracy in Marxism
  • Democracy
  • Democratic centralism
  • Democratic consolidation
  • Democratic deficit
  • Democratic dictatorship
  • Democratic Ideals
  • Democratic socialism
  • Democratic structuring
  • Democratic transhumanism
  • Dérive
  • Dialectic
  • Dialectical materialism
  • Dialectician
  • Dignitas (Roman concept)
  • Dimitris Dimitrakos
  • Direct democracy
  • Director primacy
  • Disciples of Confucius
  • Discontinuity (Postmodernism)
  • Discourse ethics
  • Discourse
  • Distribution of wealth
  • Divine Right of Kings
  • Double consciousness
  • Doxa
  • Dual power
  • Duality of structure
  • Due process
  • Duncan Kennedy
  • Dystopia


Index of social and political philosophy articles
  • Earth jurisprudence
  • Eco-socialism
  • Ecofascism
  • Ecological modernization
  • Economic freedom
  • Écriture féminine
  • Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays
  • Election promise
  • Election
  • Elective rights
  • Enlightened self-interest
  • Epic and Novel
  • Eranos
  • Ergatocracy
  • Ernest Wamba dia Wamba
  • Ernst Bloch
  • Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
  • Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
  • Essentially contested concept
  • Ethic of reciprocity
  • Ethical arguments regarding torture
  • Ethics in Government Act
  • Ethics
  • Étienne de La Boétie
  • Eugenics
  • Eurocommunism
  • Evil
  • Evolutionary theory and the political left
  • Exceptionalism
  • Execution by burning
  • Exile and the Kingdom
  • Existential humanism
  • Existentialism
  • Externalization


Index of social and political philosophy articles
  • Family as a model for the state
  • Fascism and ideology
  • Fascism
  • Fascist manifesto
  • Fascist symbolism
  • Fatalism
  • Federalism
  • Federalist
  • Feliks Koneczny
  • Félix Guattari
  • Felix Kaufmann
  • Feminist legal theory
  • Filial piety
  • Fiscal conservatism
  • For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
  • Fourier complex
  • Frame of Government of Pennsylvania
  • Francesco D'Andrea
  • Francis Fukuyama
  • Francis Parker Yockey
  • Frank Meyer
  • Frankfurt School
  • Freedom (political)
  • Freedom and the Law
  • Freedom of contract
  • Freudo-Marxism
  • Friedrich Hayek
  • Führerprinzip
  • Functionalism (sociology)
  • Fundamental right
  • Fusionism (politics)


  • Gaullism
  • Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
  • Gender studies
  • General Will
  • Generosity
  • Georg Jellinek
  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • George Kateb
  • George Ohsawa
  • Georges Bataille
  • Gerald Cohen
  • Giacomo Marramao
  • Giambattista Vico
  • Gianfranco Sanguinetti
  • Gilles Deleuze
  • Giorgio Agamben
  • Giorgio Del Vecchio
  • Global citizens movement
  • Global Feminism
  • Global Justice Movement
  • Global Justice or Global Revenge
  • Global justice
  • Governance
  • Governmentality
  • Grassroots democracy
  • Green conservatism
  • Green liberalism
  • Green libertarianism
  • Green syndicalism
  • Guevarism
  • Guy Debord
  • Gynocentrism


Index of social and political philosophy articles
  • H. B. Acton
  • H. L. A. Hart
  • Habeas corpus
  • Habitus (sociology)
  • Hannah Arendt
  • Hans Achterhuis
  • Hans Kelsen
  • Hans Köchler
  • Hate speech
  • Hegemony
  • Henri Lefebvre
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Henry George
  • Henry Pachter
  • Henry Sidgwick
  • Herman Oliphant
  • Hermeneutics
  • Historical materialism
  • Historical subject
  • Historicism
  • History of communism
  • History of Consciousness
  • History of Political Philosophy
  • Holism
  • Homo sacer
  • Houston Stewart Chamberlain
  • Hugo Grotius
  • Human dignity
  • Humanistic psychology


  • Identity Formation, Agency, and Culture
  • Identity formation
  • Ideology
  • Imagined communities
  • Immanuel Kant
  • Immediatism
  • Imperialism
  • Imperium
  • Inclusive Democracy
  • Indeterminacy debate in legal theory
  • Indian political philosophy
  • Individualism
  • Institutional cruelty
  • Interculturalism
  • Internalization
  • International law
  • Interpellation
  • Interregnum
  • Invisible dictatorship
  • Invisible hand
  • Irenism
  • Iris Marion Young
  • Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy
  • Irrealism (the arts)
  • Isabel Paterson
  • Isaiah Berlin
  • Islamic democracy
  • Islamofascism
  • Isonomia
  • Italian fascism
  • Ivan Chtcheglov


  • J. J. C. Smart
  • Jacksonian democracy
  • James Brusseau
  • James Tully (philosopher)
  • Janet Biehl
  • Janet Coleman
  • Jean-François Lyotard
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Jean Bodin
  • Jeffersonian democracy
  • Jeffersonian political philosophy
  • Jeremy Bentham
  • Jewish Bolshevism
  • John Austin (legal philosopher)
  • John Burnheim
  • John Finnis
  • John Locke
  • John Oswald (activist)
  • John Rawls
  • John Stuart Mill
  • John William Miller
  • Jonathan Wolff (philosopher)
  • Joseph de Torre
  • Joseph H. H. Weiler
  • Joseph Priestley and Dissent
  • Joseph Priestley
  • Joseph Raz
  • Joshua Cohen (philosopher)
  • Juche
  • Judicial activism
  • Julian Gumperz
  • Julien Offray de La Mettrie
  • Julius Binder
  • Jürgen Habermas
  • Jurisdictional arbitrage
  • Jurisprudence
  • Justice
  • Justification for the state
  • Justitium


  • Karl-Otto Apel
  • Karl Marx
  • Karl Popper
  • Kyklos


  • L'existentialisme est un humanisme
  • Labor theory of property
  • Latin Conservatism
  • Law in action
  • Law, Legislation and Liberty
  • Laws (dialogue)
  • Laws without ethical content
  • Leadership
  • League of peace
  • Left-libertarianism
  • Left communism
  • Legal formalism
  • Legal origins theory
  • Legal positivism
  • Legal realism
  • Legal science
  • Legalism (Chinese philosophy)
  • Legalism (Western philosophy)
  • Leninism
  • Leonard Borgzinner
  • Leonard Read
  • Leonidas Donskis
  • Les jeux sont faits
  • Les Temps modernes
  • Leviathan (book)
  • Lex, Rex
  • Li (Confucian)
  • Li (Neo-Confucianism)
  • Liberal conservatism
  • Liberal democracy
  • Liberalism in the United States
  • Liberalism
  • Libertarian Marxism
  • Libertarian municipalism
  • Libertarian socialism
  • Libertarian theories of law
  • Libertarian transhumanism
  • Libertarianism
  • Liberty
  • List of basic anarchism topics
  • List of basic critical theory topics
  • List of Confucianists
  • List of critical theorists
  • List of critical theory topics
  • List of postmodern critics
  • List of thinkers and authors associated with Existentialism
  • List of works in critical theory
  • Literary criticism
  • Literary theory
  • Living Marxism
  • Localism (politics)
  • Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture
  • Lon L. Fuller
  • Loren Lomasky
  • Louis Althusser
  • Ludwig von Mises
  • Luxemburgism
  • Lysander Spooner


  • Man's Fate
  • Mandeville's paradox
  • Margaret Canovan
  • Marginalization
  • Market populism
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Marx's theory of alienation
  • Marx's theory of human nature
  • Marxism-Leninism
  • Marxism
  • Marxist philosophy of nature
  • Marxist philosophy
  • Marxist revisionism
  • Master-slave dialectic
  • Maurice Cranston
  • Max Horkheimer
  • Mazdak
  • Media accountability
  • Media transparency
  • Mencius
  • Meritarian
  • Messianic democracy
  • Meta-rights
  • Methodological individualism
  • Michael Davis (philosopher)
  • Michael Novak
  • Michael Otsuka
  • Michel Foucault
  • Mihailo Markovic
  • Milan Kangrga
  • Minima Moralia
  • Minority (philosophy)
  • Modalities (sociology)
  • Modern liberalism in the United States
  • Monarchomachs
  • Monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force
  • Moral absolutism
  • Moral choice
  • Moral relativism
  • Moral responsibility
  • Moral syncretism
  • Mortimer Adler
  • Mottainai
  • Murray Bookchin
  • Murray Rothbard
  • Musical historicism
  • Mutual liberty


  • National Catholicism
  • Nationalism
  • Natural law
  • Natural order
  • Naturalization
  • Negarchy
  • Negative and positive rights
  • Negative liberty
  • Neo-Confucianism
  • Neo-Luddism
  • Neo-Stalinism
  • Neo-theocracy
  • Neo-Tribalism
  • Neofunctionalism (sociology)
  • Netocracy
  • New Democracy
  • Niccolò Machiavelli
  • Nigel Warburton
  • Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • Norbert Leser
  • Norm (philosophy)
  • Norm (sociology)
  • Normlessness


  • Objectivity (philosophy)
  • Oligarchy
  • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
  • Open government
  • Open society
  • Oppression
  • Organic law
  • Organic statute
  • Organic work
  • Organicism
  • Original intent
  • Original meaning
  • Originalism
  • Oskar Negt
  • Other
  • Owenism


  • Paleoconservatism
  • Paralanguage
  • Parity of esteem
  • Participatory democracy
  • Pasajes de la guerra revolucionaria
  • Paul R. Patton
  • Paul Virilio
  • Peace
  • Pentacosiomedimni
  • Per Bauhn
  • Perpetual peace
  • Persecution
  • Personal life
  • Peter Lamborn Wilson
  • Peter Steinberger
  • Pew Research Center political typology
  • Philanthropreneur
  • Philanthropy
  • Philip Mazzei
  • Philip Pettit
  • Philosophical anarchism
  • Philosophy of economics
  • Philosophy of history
  • Philosophy of social science
  • Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard
  • Pierre-André Taguieff
  • Pierre Bourdieu
  • Pirate utopia
  • Planned economy
  • Plato
  • Political argument
  • Political consciousness
  • Political consumerism
  • Political culture
  • Political engineering
  • Political jurisprudence
  • Political Order in Changing Societies
  • Political philosophy of Immanuel Kant
  • Political philosophy
  • Political positivism
  • Political radicalism
  • Political rehabilitation
  • Political sociology
  • Political structure
  • Political theology
  • Politics (Aristotle)
  • Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture
  • Politics
  • Popular front
  • Populism
  • Positive law
  • Positive liberty
  • Positivism
  • Post-industrial society
  • Post-Marxism
  • Postcolonialism
  • Posthegemony
  • Posthumanism
  • Postmodern Christianity
  • Postmodern social construction of nature
  • Potter Box
  • Power: A New Social Analysis
  • Praxis intervention
  • Praxis School
  • Prediction theory of law
  • Primitive communism
  • Principle of law
  • Procedural democracy
  • Procreative beneficence
  • Progressivism in the United States
  • Proletarian internationalism
  • Proletariat
  • Propaganda of the deed
  • Property redistribution
  • Public reason
  • Public sphere
  • Public trust
  • Punishment
  • Punk ideologies
  • Purposive theory
  • Pyongyang Declaration


  • Queer theory


  • Racialism
  • Rada Ivekovic
  • Radical democracy
  • Radical Democracy Party (Chile)
  • Rainer Forst
  • Ralstonism
  • Rate of exploitation
  • Rational choice theory
  • Raya Dunayevskaya
  • Reactionary
  • Real freedom
  • Real socialism
  • Reason and Revolution
  • Rechtsstaat
  • Red-baiting
  • Reification (Marxism)
  • Relations of production
  • Religious communism
  • Religious democracy
  • René Viénet
  • Representative democracy
  • Representative direct democracy
  • Republican democracy
  • Republican In Name Only
  • Ressentiment
  • Revolutionary integrationism
  • Revolutionary spontaneity
  • Richard Gregg
  • Richard M. Weaver
  • Right-libertarianism
  • Right Hegelians
  • Right of asylum
  • Right of revolution
  • Right
  • Rights of Man
  • Robert Nozick
  • Robert P. George
  • Roberto Mangabeira Unger
  • Ronald Dworkin
  • Rule by decree
  • Rule of law
  • Russell Kirk


  • Scientific Communism
  • Scientism
  • Secondary antisemitism
  • Sectarian democracy
  • Secularism
  • Secularization
  • Self-determination
  • Self (philosophy)
  • Selfishness
  • Semantics
  • Seniority
  • Sequence theory
  • Serge Moscovici
  • Shortage economy
  • Significant other
  • Simone Weil
  • Situationist International
  • Small-c conservative
  • Social alienation
  • Social Choice and Individual Values
  • Social conservatism
  • Social constructionism
  • Social contract
  • Social Darwinism
  • Social democracy
  • Social determinism
  • Social engineering (political science)
  • Social exclusion
  • Social fascism
  • Social influence
  • Social Justice in the Liberal State
  • Social justice
  • Social liberalism
  • Social medicine
  • Social philosophy
  • Social progress
  • Social psychology (sociology)
  • Social reality
  • Social responsibility
  • Social Solidarity
  • Socialism
  • Socialist realism
  • Societal attitudes toward homosexuality
  • Societal attitudes towards abortion
  • Society
  • Soft paternalism
  • Soft tyranny
  • Solange Pierre
  • Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche
  • South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today
  • Sovereignty
  • Soviet democracy
  • Spectacle (Situationism)
  • Stalinism
  • State and Revolution
  • State capitalism
  • State of emergency
  • State of nature
  • State racism
  • Stateless communism
  • States and Social Revolutions
  • Statesman (dialogue)
  • Statolatry
  • Stealth conservative
  • Stephen Bronner
  • Stereotype
  • Stirrings Still: The International Journal of Existential Literature
  • Strict constructionism
  • Structuration
  • Subjective expected utility
  • Substantive democracy
  • Sultanism
  • Suppression of dissent
  • Synoecism
  • Systematic ideology
  • Systemic Constellations


  • T. M. Scanlon
  • Tabula rasa
  • Tacitean studies
  • Taistoism
  • Taking Rights Seriously
  • Takis Fotopoulos
  • Tara Smith (philosopher)
  • Teaching for social justice
  • Techniques of neutralization
  • Ten Days that Shook the World
  • Textualism
  • The Adulterous Woman
  • The aestheticization of politics
  • The Black Book of Communism
  • The Case of the Speluncean Explorers
  • The Commonwealth of Oceana
  • The Communist Manifesto
  • The Concept of Law
  • The Doctrine of Fascism
  • The Establishment
  • The Ethics of Liberty
  • The Existential Negation Campaign
  • The Faces of Janus
  • The French Revolution (Carlyle)
  • The Inclusion of the Other
  • The Kingdom of this World
  • The Machiavellian Moment
  • The Market for Liberty
  • The Metamorphosis
  • The Middle Way
  • The Myth of the Rational Voter
  • The Phenomenology of Spirit
  • The Pigeon
  • The Plague
  • The Possessed (play)
  • The Prince
  • The Rebel
  • The Renegade (Camus short story)
  • The Republic (Plato)
  • The Rhetoric of Hitler's "Battle"
  • The Roman Revolution
  • The Second Sex
  • The Silent Men
  • The Soul of Man under Socialism
  • The Stranger (novel)
  • The Third Wave
  • The Vision of the Anointed
  • The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
  • Theatre of the Absurd
  • Theodor Sternberg
  • Theodor W. Adorno
  • Theory of criminal justice
  • Theory of Subversion and Containment
  • Third Way (centrism)
  • Thomas Hill Green
  • Thomas Hobbes
  • Þorsteinn Gylfason
  • Thought of Thomas Aquinas
  • Three Principles of the People
  • Three sided football
  • Titoism
  • Todd May
  • Toleration
  • Tony Honoré
  • Torture
  • Totalitarian democracy
  • Totalitarianism
  • Tradition
  • Traditional Chinese social structure
  • Traditionalist Conservatism
  • Transformative justice
  • Translating "law" to other European languages
  • Truth
  • Two Concepts of Liberty
  • Two Treatises of Government
  • Tyranny of the majority


  • Unity of opposites
  • Universal ethic
  • Universal pragmatics
  • Unorganisation
  • Utopia


  • Value (personal and cultural)
  • Value judgment
  • Value pluralism
  • Varieties of democracy
  • Victor d'Hupay
  • Virtue jurisprudence
  • Vox populi


  • Wagnerism
  • Waiting for Godot
  • Waking Life
  • Walter Benjamin
  • War
  • Washing out mouth with soap
  • Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld
  • Wild law
  • Wildness
  • Wilhelm Dilthey
  • Will (philosophy)
  • William Fontaine
  • William James
  • William Paley
  • William Sweet
  • Workers of the world, unite!
  • Wu Enyu


  • Young Hegelians


  • Zeitgeist
  • Zenarchy

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