
Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

Memoria was the term for aspects involving memory in Western classical rhetoric. The word is Latin, and can be translated as "memory."

It was one of five canons in classical rhetoric (the others being inventio, dispositio, elocutio, and pronuntiatio) concerned with the crafting and delivery of speeches and prose.

The art of rhetoric grew out of oratory, which was the central medium for intellectual and political life in ancient Greece. Legal proceedings, political debates, philosophical inquiry were all conducted through spoken discourse. Many of the great texts from that age were not written texts penned by the authors we associate them with, but were instead orations written down by followers and students. In Roman times, while there was a much greater body of written work, oration was still the medium for critical debate. Unlike public speakers of today, who use notes or who read their speeches, good orators were expected to deliver their speeches without such aids.

Memoria was the discipline of recalling the arguments of a discourse. It generally received less attention from writers than other parts of rhetoric, as there is less to be said about the subject. However, the need to memorize speeches did influence the structure of discourse to some extent. For example, as part of dispositio, some attention was paid to creating structures (such as the divisio, an outline of the major arguments of a discourse) that would also aid memory. Some writers also discussed the use of various mnenomic devices to assist speakers.

But rhetoricians also viewed memoria as requiring more than just rote memorization. Rather, the orator also had to have at his command a wide body of knowledge to permit improvisation, to respond to questions, and to refute opposing arguments. Where today's speech-making tends to be a staged, one-way affair, in former times, much oration occurred as part of debates, dialogues, and other settings, in which orators had to react to others. Moreover, rhetoricians also recognized that the credibility of a speaker depended not just on the strength of his prepared arguments, but on the audience's perceptions of the speaker. In Greece, Rome, and the Renaissance, a speaker's familiarity of many areas of learning was seen as a virtue.

Memoria in the Renaissance


When the Humanists took up the ideas on memory found the writings of Classical authors, memoria played an important role in the pedagogical system. Texts were learned first by rote memorization, then re-read for meaning. Children's ability to memorize was aided by "memory tables", which were first available in manuscript form, and were, from the 1470s onwards, some of the first products of the printing press. (Source: Paul Gehl, A Moral Art: Grammar, Society, and Culture in Trecento Florence (1993)

Memory and Kairos

Memory, the fourth canon of rhetoric, and invention, the first canon of rhetoric, are connected. The ad Herennium states that memory is the “treasury of things invented.” This indirectly refers to the custom of accumulating commonplaces. Hence, for a rhetor, memory is as much related to the need to extemporize as it is to the necessity to memorize an entire discourse for delivery; in this way, memory is linked to kairos and to the ideas of copia and amplification (Burton). Crowley and Hawhee state about memory and kairos, "... kairos and memory were partnered in several ways. First, both require a kind of 'attunement' in that the rhetor who is gathering items for reserve in the memory must be thinking simultaneously about what's available now that might be useful later. Secondly, memory requires an attunement during the moment of speaking or composing, a recognition of the right time for recalling an illustrative example, an argument, and so on" (317).

Memory Systems


Ancient peoples used elaborate systems, such as the Method of Loci, to store large amounts of information in their memories. Today, we use literate and electronic memory systems. Literate memory systems include books, periodicals, and libraries. Electronic systems include computers, databases, computer software, the World Wide Web, and other artificial memory devices (Crowley and Hawhee 325-28).

The Three Elements of the Canon of Memory


Memorizing One's Speech Centuries ago, ancient orators had to memorize and present speeches without the help of note cards or crib sheets. Note taking, as a way to remember certain things, was looked down upon in ancient cultures. In his Phaedrus, Plato has Socrates explaining that relying on writing/taking notes weakened the mind & memory(below):

"If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls: they will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves"

Any Greek in Ancient times who was caught using the note-taking method would be laughed at and deemed "weak-minded". Nowadays, it is much more common for speakers to use notecards, though it is much more impressive without the use of notes during a speech.

Using memory during a speech can also effect how the orator influences the audience. When the speaker addresses the audiences relying solely on their memory, they build a certain amount of ethos within the relationship. Memoria in relation to ethos during a speech situation can be described as a certain amount trustworthiness felt between the audience, as well as a level of similarity, authority, or expertise that the orator has over the audience. Unlike Ancient Greece, in today's society, it is much more acceptable for politicians and for people of authority to use aids when delivering addresses. Although it could be viewed as an aid to use notes or teleprompters, greater importance is placed on actually conveying the information to the audience in a clear and concise manner.

Making One's Speech Memorable For ancient orators, it wasn't just about delivering the speech, but more about the excellence of how the speech was presented. An important feature to delivering the speech was finding ways to make your audience remember what you talked about. You have to be sure to leave your audience educated in what just presented to them.

Keeping a Treasury of Rhetorical Folder The third element of memory has to do with using quotes, facts, or anecdotes that could be used in future speeches. A professional orator is known to always have a treasury of rhetorical folder close at all times.


  1. ^ Alvi, Sofia Dildar; Abdul Baseer (2011). "An Analysis Of Barack Obama's Speech 'Keynote Address At The 2004 Democratic National Convention'.". Language in India 11 (10): 310â€"335. 
  2. ^ Cazacu, Aurel M. (2011). "Seneca - The Rhetor.". Annals Of Spiru Haret University, Journalism Studies 12 (1): 85â€"87. Retrieved 5 March 2014. 
  3. ^ Reynolds, Ota Thomas (1968). "American Public Address And The Mass Media.". Western Speech 32 (1): 44â€"49. Retrieved 5 March 2014. 
  4. ^ Reynolds, Ota Thomas (1968). "American Public Address And The Mass Media.". Western Speech 32 (1): 44â€"49. Retrieved 5 March 2014. 
  5. ^ Alvi, Sofia Dildar; Abdul Baseer (2011). "An Analysis Of Barack Obama's Speech 'Keynote Address At The 2004 Democratic National Convention'.". Language in India 11 (10): 310â€"335. 

Further reading

  • Giovanni Ciappelli and Patricia Rubin, Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence (CUP 2001).
  • Mary Carruthers, The Book of Memory. A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture (CUP, 1990).
  • Mary Carruthers, The Craft of Thought. Meditation, Rhetoric, and the Making of Images, 400-1200 (CUP, 1998).
  • Sharon Crowley and Debra Hawhee, Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students, Third Edition, 316-329 (CUP, 2004).
  • Yates, Frances A. (1966). The Art of Memory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-95001-8. 

External links

  • Burton, Gideon O. "Memory". The Forest of Rhetoric silva rhetoricae. Brigham Young University.

See also

  • Rhetoric
  • Art of memory
  • Kairos

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