
Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

The Newseum is an interactive museum that promotes free expression and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, while tracing the evolution of communication. The seven-level, 250,000-square-foot (23,000 m2) museum is located in Washington, D.C. and features fifteen theaters and fifteen galleries. Its Berlin Wall Gallery includes the largest display of sections of the wall outside Germany. The Today's Front Pages Gallery presents daily front pages from more than 80 international newspapers. Other galleries present topics including the First Amendment, world press freedom, news history, the September 11 attacks, and the history of the Internet, TV, and radio. It opened at its first location in Rosslyn, Virginia, on April 18, 1997, and on April 11, 2008, it opened in its current location.

It is a popular destination, attracting more than 815,000 visitors a year, and its television studios hosts news broadcasts. The adult admission fee in 2017 was $26.38. Despite such high admission fees, it has seen years of financial losses. In February 2018, these losses led to an exploration of selling its building or moving to another location.


Touring the Newseum - An introduction to the Newseum and its must-see galleries and exhibits.

The Newseum was originally situated in Arlington, Virginia in 1997. Prior to opening in Virginia, it maintained exhibition galleries in Nashville and Manhattan, the latter in the lobby of the former IBM Building at 580 Madison Avenue. In 2000, Freedom Forum decided to move the museum across the Potomac River to downtown Washington, D.C. The original site was closed on March 3, 2002, to allow its staff to concentrate on building the new, larger museum. The new museum, built at a cost of $450 million, opened its doors to the public on April 11, 2008.

Tim Russert, a Newseum trustee, said, "The Newseum made a pretty good impression in Arlington, but at your new location on Pennsylvania Avenue, you will make an indelible mark."

The Newseum on Pennsylvania Avenue shares a block adjacent to the Canadian Embassy.

After obtaining a landmark location at Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street NW, the former site of National Hotel, the Newseum board selected noted exhibit designer Ralph Appelbaum, who had designed the original site in Arlington, Virginia, and architect James Stewart Polshek, who designed the Rose Center for Earth and Space with Todd Schliemann at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, to work on the new project.

This design team had the following goals:

  • To design a building that would be an architectural icon, easily recognized and remembered by visitors from around the world;
  • To create a museum space three times as large as the original, with the capacity for more than two million visitors a year; and
  • To celebrate the First Amendment to the United States Constitution â€" in particular, its freedom of the press and freedom of speech protections.

Highlights of the building design unveiled October 2002 include a façade featuring a "window on the world", 57 ft × 78 ft (17 m × 24 m), which looks out on Pennsylvania Avenue and the National Mall while letting the public see inside to the visitors and displays. It features the 45 words of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, etched into a four story tall stone panel facing Pennsylvania Avenue.

One feature carried over from the prior Arlington site was the Journalists Memorial, a glass sculpture that lists the names of 2,291 journalists from around the world killed in the line of duty. It is updated and rededicated annually.

The museum website is updated daily with images and PDF versions of newspaper front pages from around the world. Images are replaced daily, but an archive of front pages from notable events since 2001 is also available. Hard copies of selected front pages, including one from every U.S. state and Washington, D.C., are displayed in galleries within the museum and outside the front entrance.

Jerry Frieheim, a 1956 graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, was the first executive director of the Newseum and claims to have coined the name.


Newseum | There's more to every story.
Newseum | There's more to every story.. Source : www.newseum.org

The 643,000-square-foot (60,000 m²) Newseum includes a 90-foot (27 m) high atrium, seven levels of displays, 15 theaters, a dozen major galleries, many more smaller exhibits, two broadcast studios, and an expanded interactive newsroom. The structural engineer for this project was Leslie E. Robertson Associates.

The building features an oval, 500-seat theater; approximately 145,500 square feet (13,520 square metres) gross of housing facing Sixth and C streets; 75,000 square feet (7,000 square metres) of office space for the staff of the Newseum and Freedom Forum; and more than 11,000 square feet (1,000 square metres) of conference center space on two levels located directly above the museum's main atrium. The building is also known for the largest and tallest hydraulic passenger elevators in the world, with a capacity of 18,000 pounds capable of carrying up to 72 passengers when fully loaded, and a travel distance of 100 feet that covers 7 floors. A curving glass memorial to slain journalists is located above the ground floor.

Showcase environments throughout the museum are climate controlled by four microclimate control devices. These units provide a flow of humidified air to the cases through a system of distribution pipes.

ABC's This Week began broadcasting from a new studio in the Newseum on April 20, 2008, with George Stephanopoulos as host. ABC moved This Week back to its Washington, D.C. bureau in June 2013 citing the network's infrequent use of the Newseum studio compared to the cost of operating and maintaining a studio there. The studio was later home to Al Jazeera America's Washington, D.C. bureau which also had editing facilities and office space in the building.

Sharing the building with the Newseum are The Source, a Wolfgang Puck Restaurant, and the Newseum Residences, a collection of 135 luxury apartment homes. The building's amenities include a rooftop terrace, which shares the Newseum's views of the National Mall, Washington Monument and the United States Capitol.

Critical response

Sections of the Berlin Wall on display at the Newseum - Washington ...
Sections of the Berlin Wall on display at the Newseum - Washington .... Source : www.alamy.com

Journalist Alan Rusbridger of The Guardian wrote that visitors would have "a great family day out"; considered some of the exhibits, such as a red dress worn by Helen Thomas, as "faintly ridiculous" while praising others such as a large chunk of the actual Berlin Wall. Although writing that the Newseum displayed "self-glorification, pomposity and vanity" in an "overwhelmingly American-centric" way, he described the building design as "uplifting" and generally commended the features. Michael Landauer of the Dallas Morning News praised its interactive exhibits, writing: "While the free Smithsonian museums do a fine job of housing our important artifacts, I believe the Newseum on Pennsylvania Avenue does an unparalleled job of telling our nation's story." Bonnie Wach, writing for the San Francisco Chronicle praised the Newseum's interactive exhibits, calling it "a marvel of technological innovation" and citing its "seven floors of touch-screens, theaters, film and video, state-of-the-art studios, computer games, interactive kiosks, documentary footage and hands-on multimedia exhibits.

Other reviewers were more critical. Nicolai Ouroussoff, architecture critic for the New York Times, panned the second Newseum building as "the latest reason to lament the state of contemporary architecture in" Washington, D.C. Writing on the Newseum's content, Times culture critic Edward Rothstein wrote that "a good portion of the museum’s earnestly sought attention is well deserved" but "the museum’s preening does call for some skepticism." USA Today noted that while reviews of the building's architecture had been mixed, the high number of visitors was a sign that the Newseum was successful, even in a capital city full of museums. James Bowman of National Review Online criticized the Newseum 's interaction-heavy exhibits as overly stylistic and superficial, writing that it focuses on headline-based reporting of major world events rather than details of the events themselves.

An exhibit at the Newseum discusses the "effort to avoid bias" by journalists. It includes a 2006 Gallup poll in which 44% of Americans called the media "too liberal" while only 19% found it "too conservative" as well as other comments on possible political media bias, many of which come from Fox News contributors. Jonathan Schwarz of Mother Jones criticized the exhibit and called it an example of corporate propaganda from Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. He also argued that most of the U.S. news media is controlled by businesses who shut out stories that would counter their interests. Kevin D. Williamson of National Review Online defended the Newseum, calling the criticism "nonsense concentrate" and arguing that media-owning companies have an interest in promoting non-conservative causes.

Jack Shafer, co-editor of Slate, has criticized the Newseum's exhibit about the career of the late NBC reporter Tim Russert. He argued that Russert's "mundane" work-space was not worthy of preservation in a museum and that Russert's accomplishments "begin at being a pretty good interviewer and end at having a lot of celebrity friends." He concluded that the Newseum is "a place where journalist celebrities begin to be worshipped as miracle-producing saints."

Al Aqsa TV controversy

Newseum-1 | Newseum Institute
Newseum-1 | Newseum Institute. Source : www.newseuminstitute.org

In the May 2013 rededication ceremony of the Journalist Memorial, the Newseum first decided to honor two Al Aqsa TV members as part of the memorial, and then withdrew them after criticism from pro-Israeli organizations. After a year-long review of the circumstances surrounding their deaths, the Newseum, in partnership with other journalism organizations decided their names would remain on the Journalists Memorial wall.

Ilene Prusher, columnist for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, said that the Newseum stepped into the "minefield" of the Arabâ€"Israeli conflict. Al-Aqsa TV is affiliated with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and they were killed by Israeli fire in a car marked "TV". Israeli Defense Forces spokeswoman, Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, said that they were killed deliberately, not accidentally, because they "have relevance to terror activity.” After pro-Israel groups, such as the Anti-Defamation League, said that they were not journalists but terrorists, the Newseum first defended the decision and then reversed itself.

Nearly all journalistic organizations hold that the men were killed in the line of duty, including the Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Without Borders, the International Federation of Journalists and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers. Human Rights Watch said that their investigation in Gaza showed no evidence that the men were involved in militant activity. NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel said at the Newseum’s dedication ceremony that it was difficult to draw the line, and several reporters on the list were Syrians who were also activists who were trying to topple Bashar al-Assad's government. David Carr of the New York Times said that "the evidence so far suggests that they were journalists, however partisan.”

Permanent exhibits

Newseum Washington DC - world trade center relic Stock Photo ...
Newseum Washington DC - world trade center relic Stock Photo .... Source : www.alamy.com

The New York Timesâ€"Ochs-Sulzberger Family Great Hall: Located in the atrium, a 90-foot-high screen shows the latest headlines from around the globe. A satellite replica and a Bell helicopter (formerly used by KXAS-TV in Dallas) are also suspended in the atrium.

News Corporation News History Gallery: A timeline showcases the extensive collection of newspapers and magazines. Touch-screen computers house hundreds of digitized publications, allowing for close-up viewing, as well as interactive games, and access to a database of journalists. Hundreds of artifacts and memorabilia from remarkable news events are in cases around the gallery. Included in this gallery is a 1603 English broadsheet showing the coronation of James I; a 1787 copy of the Maryland Gazette containing the new United States Constitution; The Charleston Mercury's 1860 extra enthusiastically proclaiming, “The Union Is Dissolved!”; a copy of the 1948 Chicago Daily Tribune mistakenly announcing, “Dewey Defeats Truman.”

NBC News Interactive Newsroom: The Interactive Newsroom lets visitors play the role of a photojournalist, editor, reporter, or anchor. Touch-screen stations provide simulated tools and techniques needed to be in the broadcast business. Visitors can also pick up a microphone and step in front of the camera.

9/11 Gallery Sponsored by Comcast: This gallery explores the coverage of Sept. 11, 2001. A tribute to photojournalist William Biggart, who died covering the attacks, is included. Visitors get to hear his story and see some of the final photographs he took. A giant wall is covered with worldwide front pages published the following morning, and a portion of the communications antenna from the roof of the World Trade Center is on display with a timeline of the reports and bulletins that were issued as the day unfolded. A film gives additional first-person accounts from reporters and photographers who covered the story.

Bloomberg Internet, TV and Radio Gallery: News increases as technology improves. This gallery traces the evolution of electronic media. Two 25-foot (7.6 m) high media walls show memorable television clips, a multimedia timeline, and a memorial to Edward R. Murrow.

Pulitzer Prize Photographs Gallery: The Newseum has put on display the most comprehensive collection of Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs ever gathered. It includes every Pulitzer Prize winning entry since 1942. Many of the photographers are interviewed in a documentary film, providing context for the pictures and insight into their craft. Some photographs included are: Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, Burst of Joy (the joyful reunion of a returning prisoner of war and his family), a firefighter cradling a mortally-injured infant after the Oklahoma City bombing. Visitors can access a database of 300 video clips, 400 audio clips and 1,000 prize photos. The gallery underwent a month long renovation and reopened in September 2016 with an updated display of 40 large-scale photographs tracing the history of the award.

Berlin Wall Gallery: The Newseum has procured the largest display of the original wall outside of Germany. There are eight 12-foot (3.7 m) high concrete sections of wall, each weighing about three tons, and a three-story East German guard tower from Checkpoint Charlie (or "Checkpoint C"), the name given by Western Allies to Berlin's best-known East-West crossing.

Cox Enterprises First Amendment Gallery: This gallery explores the role that the First Amendment’s guarantee of rights (religion, speech, press, assembly and petition) has played in the United States over the past 200 years. The exhibit presents historical news clips that exemplify the five freedoms. "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press," said Thomas Jefferson, "and that cannot be limited without being lost."

Time Warner World News Gallery: In this gallery, a large map, rating 190 countries, illustrates the differences in press freedom around the world. Newspaper Headlines and international television feeds are available for examination. International journalists who risked their lives on the job are also heralded here.

Today's Front Pages Gallery: The Newseum receives digital submissions of over 700 front pages from around the world. Roughly 80 are enlarged and printed for display in this space and additional papers line the entrance of the building. One from every state and the District of Columbia is chosen as well as a sampling of international newspapers.

FBI Exhibit: The "Inside Today's FBI" exhibit gives visitors a view into the FBI's work, with a focus on the fight against terrorism and cybercrime in the post 9/11 world. Artifacts in the exhibit include the Unabomber's cabin, a car belonging to the 9/11 hijackers that was found abandoned in a Virginia airport parking lot, engine parts from the plane that crashed into the World Trade Center South Tower on 9/11, and running shoes belonging to a Boston Globe reporter who went from running in the Boston Marathon to covering the terrorist attack.

Journalists Memorial: Memorializes journalists who died in the course of their duties. This exhibit displays artifacts from hazardous journalistic missions. Included is the laptop computer used by Daniel Pearl, the bloodstained notebook of Michael Weisskopf, and the 1976 Datsun 710 belonging to Don Bolles that was bombed in Phoenix, Arizona. Also featured is a sobering display of more than 1,800 names written in a glass tablet, marking the deaths of those who died in pursuit of the news The gallery also contains photographs of hundreds of those journalists and access to more detailed information on every honored journalist.

Hank Greenspun Terrace on Pennsylvania Avenue: The Newseum terrace offers a panoramic view of Washington, DC overlooking one of America's most iconic streets, Pennsylvania Avenue. The view includes landmarks and monuments such as the U.S. Capitol, the National Gallery of Art, the National Archives Building and the Washington Monument. On the terrace visitors can read about the events that played a role in developing Pennsylvania Avenue, from presidential parades and funeral processions to celebrations and protests. The 2009 Obama Inauguration parade was covered by cable news outlets from the Terrace.

The Bancroft Family Ethics Center: In the Ethics Center, computers allow visitors to debate journalistic dilemmas and compare their answers with reporters and other visitors.

Financial woes

Newseum - Best Washington DC Attractions
Newseum - Best Washington DC Attractions. Source : www.destination360.com

Despite a significant revenue stream of rents, museum admissions, and event fees, the Newseum loses significant amounts of money. In 2011, ticket sales offset just 10 percent of expenses. In 2015, the museum lost more than $2.5 million on revenue of $59 million. The private foundation that runs the museum has had losses for several years, which has led to some controversial proposals to set things right. The issues, in part, reach back to the Washington location's construction, which had significant cost overruns. In August 2017, the Newseum's president, Jeffrey Herbst, resigned in the face of its difficulties. In February 2018, The Washington Post reported that the Newseum was exploring the sale of its building or a move.

See also

Meeting Rooms at Newseum, Newseum, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest ...
Meeting Rooms at Newseum, Newseum, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest .... Source : www.meetingsbooker.com

  • List of museums in Washington, D.C.


A trip to the Newseum | Jen Lee Reeves
A trip to the Newseum | Jen Lee Reeves. Source : www.jenleereeves.com

Further reading

Newseum | There's more to every story.
Newseum | There's more to every story.. Source : devweb.newseum.org

  • Medoff, Theresa Gawlas (Septemberâ€"October 2008). "Extra! Extra!: Read, see and hear all about news at D.C.'s Newseum". AAA World. side trips. 10 (5). AAA Midatlantic. p. 20. Retrieved 2008-09-04. 

External links

A visit to the Newseum in Washington DC - with discount tickets ...
A visit to the Newseum in Washington DC - with discount tickets .... Source : wandering.world

  • Official website
  • Newseum Residences
  • Newseum at Google Cultural Institute

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