
Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

International Socialism is a British-based quarterly journal published by the Socialist Workers Party which discusses socialist theory. It is currently edited by Alex Callinicos, who took over after the death of Chris Harman in November 2009.

The current journal is the second series following an earlier series which ran from 1960 to 1977 publishing a total of 104 issues. Originally edited by Michael Kidron for its first five years, with Alasdair MacIntyre co-editing it alongside him for 18 months, subsequently the first series was variously edited by Nigel Harris, Chris Harman, Duncan Hallas and Alex Callinicos. The second series was originally edited by Peter Binns who was succeeded as editor by John Rees. Previously, a single issue of a duplicated journal of this name had been published in 1958 and the first edition of Tony Cliff's essay on Rosa Luxemburg was published, in book form, as issue 2/3 in series with this otherwise one off publication.

It has published work from a wide range of leading socialist theorists and writers, including Gilbert Achcar, Hamza Alavi, Tariq Ali, Tom Behan, Waldon Bello, Daniel Bensaïd, John Berger, Robin Blackburn, Angus Calder, Raymond Challinor, Tony Cliff, Ken Coates, Hal Draper, Terry Eagleton, Keith Flett, Paul Foot, John Bellamy Foster, Lindsey German, Martin Glaberman, Pete Glatter, Richard Greeman, Irfan Habib, Christopher Hitchens, C.L.R. James, Boris Kagarlitsky, Hugh Kerr, Charlie Kimber, Andrew Kilman, Costas Lapavitsas, Michael Lavalette, Peter Linebaugh, Jean-François Lyotard, Ernest Mandel, Mike Marqusee, Paul Mattick, Hugh MacDiarmid, Brian Manning, Eamonn McCann, Harry McShane, Adrian Mitchell, John Newsinger, Kevin Ovenden, Chris Pallis, Roger Protz, George Rawick, Hilary Rose, Steven Rose, Chanie Rosenberg, Sheila Rowbotham, Shlomo Sand, John Saville, Peter Sedgwick, Julie Waterson, David Widgery, Ellen Meiksins Wood, Salma Yaqoob, Dave Zirin and Slavoj Žižek.

In October 2013, 18 members of the journal's editorial board, including Colin Barker and Mike Gonzalez, released a statement criticising the SWP Central Committee's handling of the 'Comrade Delta' rape allegations. Most of the signatories were among 160 SWP members who resigned from the party in December 2013 to form the RS21 group.


External links

  • Official website
  • Socialist Review and International Socialism Journal Index. Includes text of issues from 2:61 (Winter 1993) to 2:104 (Autumn 2004) after which the text is available on the journal website.
  • International Socialism Journal Index 1958-1968
  • ISJ Index 1969-1974
  • ISJ Index 1975-1978
  • ISJ Index 1978-1991
  • ISJ Index 1991-2003

International Socialism (magazine)
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