
Senin, 11 Mei 2015

The Ukrainian People's Republic or Ukrainian National Republic (Ukrainian: Українська Народня Республіка, Ukrayins'ka Narodnia Respublika; abbreviated УНР, UNR), or simply Ukraine is the predecessor of modern Ukraine that was declared (on 23 June 1917) at first as a part of the Russian Republic after the Russian Revolution but that proclaimed its independence on 25 January 1918. During its short existence the republic went through several political transformations from the socialist-lenient republic headed by the Central council with its General secretariat to the national republic, led by Directorate and Symon Petlyura. Between April and December 1918 the Ukrainian People's Republic was non-existent and overthrown by the Ukrainian State of Pavlo Skoropadsky. From autumn 1919 it was an ally of the Second Polish Republic. But by then the state de facto was non-existent. The 18 March 1921 Treaty of Riga between the Second Polish Republic, Soviet Russia (acting also on behalf of Soviet Belarus) and Soviet Ukraine sealed the fate of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

After the October Revolution many governments were formed in Ukraine. The two most important of them the Ukrainian People's Republic, residing in Kiev, and the Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets, residing in Kharkiv. These two sides were in permanent conflict between each other, which resulted in many casualties among Ukrainians fighting in opposition in civil war as part of the wider Ukrainian-Soviet War. The Soviet Union would (after the Treaty of Riga) extend control over what would ultimately become the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and a member of the Soviet Union.


Ukrainian People's Republic

Revolutionary wave

On 23 June [O.S. 10 June] 1917 the Ukrainian Central Council declared its autonomy as part of the Russian Republic by its First Universal at the All-Ukrainian Military Congress. The highest governing body of the Ukrainian People's Republic became the General Secretariat headed by Volodymyr Vynnychenko. The Prime Minister of Russia Alexander Kerensky recognized the Secretariat, appointing it as the representative governing body of the Russian Provisional Government and limiting its powers to five guberniyas: Volyn Governorate, Kiev Governorate, Podolie Governorate, Chernigov Governorate, and Poltava Governorate. At first Vynnychenko protested and left his post as Secretariat leader, but eventually returned to reassemble the Secretariat after the Tsentralna Rada accepted the Kerensky Instruktsiya and issued the Second Universal.

After the October Revolution the Kievan faction of the Bolshevik Party instigated the uprising in Kiev on November 8, 1917 in order to establish Soviet power in the city. Kiev Military District forces attempted to stop it, but after the Tsentralna Rada threw its support behind the Bolsheviks, the Russian forces were eliminated from Kiev. After expelling the government forces, the Rada announced a wider autonomy for the Ukrainian Republic, still maintaining ties to Russia, on November 22, 1917. The territory of the republic was proclaimed by the Third Universal November 20, 1917 (November 7 by Old Style) of the Tsentralna Rada encompassing the Volyn Governorate, Kiev Governorate, Podolie Governorate, Chernigov Governorate, Poltava Governorate, Kharkov Governorate, Yekaterinoslav Governorate, Kherson Governorate, Taurida Governorate (not including Crimea). It also stated that the people of the Voronezh Governorate, Kholm Governorate, and Kursk Governorate were welcome to join the republic through a referendum. Further the Tsentralna Rada in its Universal stated that because there was no Government in the Russian Republic after the October Revolution it proclaimed itself the Supreme governing body of the territory of Ukraine until order in the Russian republic could be restored. The Central Rada called all revolutionary activities such as the October Revolution a civil war and expressed its hopes for the resolution of the chaos.

After a brief truce, the Bolsheviks realized that the Rada had no intention of supporting the Bolshevik Revolution. They re-organized into an All-Ukrainian Council of Soviets in December 1917 in an attempt to seize power. When that failed due to the Bolsheviks' relative lack of popularity in Kiev, they moved to Kharkiv. The Bolsheviks of Ukraine declared the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic outlawed and proclaimed the Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets with capital in Kiev, claiming that the government of the People's Secretaries of Ukraine was the only government in the country. The Bolshevik Red Army entered Ukraine from the Russian SFSR in support of the local Soviet government. As the relationships between members within the Tsentralna Rada soured, a series of regional Soviet republics on the territory of Ukraine proclaimed their independence and allegiance to the Petrograd sovnarkom (Odessa Soviet Republic (southern Ukraine), Donetsk-Krivoi Rog Soviet Republic (eastern Ukraine)). The Donetsk-Kryvoi Rog Republic was created by a direct decree of Lenin as part of the Russian SFSR with its capital in Kharkiv. That decree was successfully implemented by Fyodor Sergeyev who became the chairman of the local government as well as joining the Soviet government of Ukraine, simultaneously. Unlike Fyodor Sergeyev's Republic, the Odessa Republic was not recognized by any other Bolshevik governments and on its own initiative had entered a military conflict with Romania for control over the Moldavian Democratic Republic, whose territory it was contesting.


The following information is based on the exposition of the Museum of Soviet occupation in Kiev (Memorial (society) in Kiev)

Spring 1917

  • March 8â€"12 - February Revolution in the Russian Empire, victory of the democratic forces
  • March 17 - establishment of the Ukrainian Central Council
  • April 4 - recreation of Prosvita, establishment of the Ukrainian Cooperative Committee, and the Temporary Military Council, liberation of people of Galicia, particularly Andrei Sheptytsky
  • April 9 - Mykhailo Hrushevsky returns from exile to head the Ukrainian Central Council
  • April 10 - the Ukrainian Central Council supported the convocation of the Ukrainian National Congress
  • April 11 - establishment of the Ukrainian Military Society of Hetman Polubotko headed by Mykola Mikhnovsky, organization of the 1st Ukrainian Volunteer Regiment of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
  • April 13 - a big demonstration took place in Kiev accounted for over 100,000 people, establishment of the Ukrainian National Council in Petrograd
  • May 2â€"4 - the Ukrainian National Congress took place in Kiev, involving about 900 delegates, the congress confirmed the composition of the Ukrainian Central Council of 150 members headed by Mykhailo Hrushevsky
  • May 17 - the commander of the Southwestern Front General Brusilov permitted organization of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Regiment which drafted 3,574 volunteers
  • May 18 - the 1st Ukrainian Military Congress took place in Kiev that was accounted for over 700 delegates. The congress elected the Ukrainian General Military Committee of 18 members headed by Symon Petlyura

Summer 1917

  • June 10â€"15 - the 1st All-Ukrainian Peasant Congress took place in Kiev in which participated 2,200 delegates
  • June 11 - extraordinary congress of the council of Ukrainian Military Society of Doroshenko in Simferopol decided to create a separate Ukrainian Regiment
  • June 18â€"24 - ignoring the prohibition of the Russian Provisional Government, the 2nd Ukrainian Military Congress took place in Kiev. The congress accepted the declaration of a detailed plan of Ukrainization of the Russian Army, leaving Symon Petlyura as the head of the Ukrainian General Military Committee. The congress showed its support to the Ukrainian Central Council. The council of Kharkiv Governorate recognized the Ukrianian Central Council as a government authority in Ukraine
  • June 24 - announcement of the 1st Universal (Declaration) of the Ukrainian Central Council at Sofiyivska Ploshcha (Sofia Square)
  • June 28 - the Ukrainian Central Council elects the General Secretariat of Ukraine as an authority of the state power
  • July 11 - a delegation of the Russian Provisional Government (Kerensky, Tereshchenko, and Tsereteli) arrived to Kiev
  • July 14 - the Ukrainian Central Council adopted that Petty Council consists of 40 representatives from Ukrainian and 18 from the national minorities
  • July 16 - the Petty Council adopted the 2nd Universal (Declaration) of the Ukrainian Central Council
  • July 29 - the Petty Council adopted the Statute of the Highest Government of Ukraine
  • August 8 - a terrorist action took place at the railroad station "Post-Volynsky" (Kiev) where the newly formed Bohdan Khmelnytsky Regiment was attacked by the Moscow cuirassiers and Don cossacks
  • August 17 - the Russian Provisional Government issued a temporary instruction (Instruktsia) for the General Secretariat of Provisional Government in Ukraine where it recognized the competency of the General Secretariat over five governorates (gubernias): Kiev, Volyn, Poltava, Chernihiv, and Podillia

Autumn 1917

  • September 22 - the Petty Council adopted the declaration about the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly. The representatives of national minorities in the Petty Council condemned the intentions of Ukraine to separate from Russia
  • September 27 - start of the State Democratic Convention in Petrograd
  • October 13 - by the petition of the Kiev Court Chamber the Russian Provisional Government initiates investigation against the General Secretariat for the intention to convene the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly
  • November 7 - October Revolution in Petrograd. Petty Council created of the Regional Committee in Protection of Revolution in Ukraine. The committee announced the extension of its powers over the nine Ukrainian governorates
  • November 8 - the Ukrainian Central Council adopted a resolution which condemned the revolution. In protest bolsheviks demonstratively left the Regional Committee and the Ukrainian Central Council
  • November 9 - the commander of the Kiev Military District General Kvetsinsky refused to recognize the Regional Committee which in turn was dissolved transferring all its powers to the General Secretariat
  • November 11 - arrested bolsheviks of a revolutionary committee. The Ukrainian Central Council adopted a bill about elections to the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly handing to the Petty Council to finalize the law and conduct the elections
  • November 14 - the Ukrainian Central Council and the General Secretary are recognized as the regional authorities. The General Secretary of Military Affairs Symon Petlyura subordinates the Kiev militia (law enforcement) to the Ukrainian government
  • November 20 - after announcement of the 3rd Universal (Declaration) the deputies of Russian Cadets V.Krupkov and Polish Kolo V.Rudnytsky surrendered their mandates of the Ukrainian Central Council
  • November 21 - the General Secretary of Military Affairs Symon Petlyura appoints General Pavlo Skoropadsky a commander of the Right-bank Ukraine armed forces
  • November 22 - at the presence of the French, Italian, and Romanian diplomatic missions was announced the 3rd Universal (Declaration) at Sofiyivska Ploshcha (Sofia Square)
  • November 27 - the Ukrainian Central Council adopted resolution in regards to the Kholm Governorate protesting against its annexation by Poland
  • November 30 - General Secretariat announced that Sovnarkom is not a legal authority of Russia. The Petty Council adopted the Law "About the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly" where was established its composition of 301 members: Kiev Governorate - 45, Volyn Governorate - 30, Podillya Governorate - 30, Yekaterinoslav Governorate - 36, Poltava Governorate - 30, Kherson Governorate - 34, Kharkiv Governorate - 35, Tavria Governorate - 9, Chernihiv Governorate - 27, Ostrohozh district - 15. Each deputy represents 100,000 of population, a right of vote have citizens of 20 years and older. Established the Central Election Commission to the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly

Winter 1917â€"18

  • December 14â€"15 - the Petty Council adopted the Law about the General Court, the highest judicial institution of the Ukrainian People's Republic. International diplomatic missions transferred their offices from Mohyliv-Podilsky to Kiev. The government of France on December 18 announced its intention to have a diplomatic relationship with Ukraine, the same intention declared England
  • December 19 - the 1st Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants' deputies of Ukraine expressed its complete trust to the Ukrainian Central Council and General Secretariat and condemned the Ultimatum of Lenin-Trotsky
  • December 22 - the Petty Council adopted the Law on taxes and collections, with which all taxes and collections belonged to the State Treasury of Ukraine
  • December 23 - the General Secretariat determined the composition of the Ukrainian delegation to the peace talks in Brest-Litovsk
  • December 25 - the Peace Conference in Brest-Litovsk sent in a telegram for Ukraine to join the negotiations
  • January 3 - General Georges Tabouis was appointed the Commissar of French Republic to the Government of Ukrainian People's Republic
  • January 6 - start of the peace negotiations in Brest. The head of Ukrainian delegation Vsevolod Holubovych requests recognition of Ukraine as a sovereign state, adding of the Kholm Governorate, and conducting a plebiscite on the territory of Austria-Hungary where dominated the Ukrainian population to add that territory to Ukraine
  • January 9 - 171 delegates were elected to the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly
  • January 10â€"12 - the Central powers recognize the Ukrainian delegation at the talks in Brest as a separate and plenipotentiary to conduct negotiations on the behalf of Ukrainian People's Republic
  • January 16 - the Petty Council adopted the law about creation of the Ukrainian National Army and its composition based on a militia principle
  • January 22 - the Petty Council adopted the law about the National-Individual Autonomy. For the last text of the 4th Universal (Declaration) voted: "for" - 39 voices, "against" - 4 voices, "abstained" - 6
  • January 29 - Battle of Kruty
  • February 9 - the Brest peace treaty is signed with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria
  • February 10 - Due to advance of the Russian Bolshevik forces the government of Ukraine was evacuated to Zhytomyr from Kiev
  • February 21 - the Ukrainian delegation issued a declaration about reasons for the arrival of German forces in Ukraine
  • February 27 - the Ukrainian Central Council adopted the law about the introduction in Ukraine a new style of calendar according which a time moves 13 days ahead. The Petty Council adopted the law about the new monetary system. The monetary unit became hryvnia that had 8.712 units of pure gold. Adoption of the law about the coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic - Trident (Tryzub)

Spring 1918

  • March 2 - the Petty Council adopted the law about citizenship of Ukraine, the law about new administrative system. The Russian established gubernias were to be replaced by new administrative unit - zemlia (land)
  • March 18 - several perished student-veterans of Kruty were reburied in Kiev
  • April 11 - May 12, 1918 was designated as the first convocation of the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly
  • April 13 - Adoption of the Ukrainian Central Council resolution condemning the annexation of Bessarabia by Romania
  • April 23 - an economic treaty is signed between Ukraine and Germany with Austria-Hungary
  • April 25 - Adoption of the law about the Central Economic Council of Ukraine
  • April 29 - Adopted a bill on the Constitution of Ukraine. The All-Ukrainian Agrarian Congress elects Pavlo Skoropadsky the Hetman of Ukraine


Due to the aggression from Soviet Russia, on January 25, 1918, the Tsentralna Rada issued its Fourth Universal (dated January 22, 1918), breaking ties with Bolshevik Russia and proclaiming a sovereign Ukrainian state. Less than a month later, on February 9, 1918, the Red Army seized Kiev.

Besieged by the Bolsheviks and having lost much territory, the Rada was forced to seek foreign aid, and signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on February 9, 1918 to obtain military help from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. Germany helped the Ukrainian Army force the Bolsheviks out of Ukraine. On February 20, 1918 the council of the Kuban People's Republic accepted the resolution for a federal union of Kuban with Ukraine as Bolshevik forces pushed towards Ekaterinodar. It was agreed to forward the resolution for ratification to the Ukrainian government.

After the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Ukraine became a virtual protectorate of the German Empire which at that time seemed more favorable than being overrun by the Soviet forces that were spreading havoc in the country. Germany was anxious about losing the war and was trying to speed up the process of food extraction from Ukraine, so it decided to install its own administration in the person of Generalfeldmarschall von Eichhorn who replaced the Colonel General Alexander von Linsingen. On April 6 the commander of the Army group Kijew issued an order in which he explained his intentions to execute the conditions of the treaty. That, of course, conflicted with the laws of the Ukrainian government, which annulled his order. The Germans arrested and disbanded the Tsentralna Rada on April 29, 1918 to stop the social reforms that were taking place and retarding the process of food supply transfer to Germany and Austria-Hungary. The German authorities also arrested the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Vsevolod Holubovych, on terrorist charges, and thus disbanded the Council of People's Ministers. Prior to this, the Rada had approved the Constitution of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Concurrently with all these events and a few days prior to the change of powers in the country on April 24, 1918 the government of Belarus confirmed the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce in Kiev headed by Mitrofan Dovnar-Zapolsky on the initiative of the Belarusian secretary of finance Pyotr Krechevsky.


After the coup, the Rada was replaced by the conservative government of Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky, the Hetmanate, and the Ukrainian People's Republic by a "Ukrainian State" (Ukrayinska derzhava). Skoropadsky, a former officer of the Russian Empire, established a regime favoring large landowners and concentrating power at the top, although it was merely a puppet of Germany. The government had little support from Ukrainian activists, but unlike the socialist Rada, it was able to establish an effective administrative organization, established diplomatic ties with many countries, and concluded a peace treaty with Soviet Russia. In a few months, the Hetmanate also printed millions of Ukrainian language textbooks, established many Ukrainian schools, two universities, and the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

The Hetmanate government also supported the confiscation of previously-nationalized peasant lands by wealthy estate owners, often with the help of German troops. This led to unrest, the rise of a peasant partisan (guerrilla) movement, and a series of large-scale popular armed revolts. Negotiations were held to garner support from previous Rada members Petliura and Vynnychenko, but these activists worked to overthrow Skoropadsky. On July 30, a Russian Left Socialist-Revolutionary, Boris Mikhailovich Donskoy, with help from the local USRP succeeded in assassinating von Eichhorn, blowing him up in downtown Kiev at a broadlight.

Due to the impending loss of World War I by Germany and Austria-Hungary, Skoropadsky's sponsors, the Hetman formed a new cabinet of Russian Monarchists and committed to federation with a possible future non-Bolshevik Russia. In response, the Ukrainian socialists announced a new revolutionary government, the Directorate, on November 14, 1918.


Spring 1918

  • April 29 - All-Ukrainian Agrarian Congress elects Pavlo Skoropadsky as the Hetman of Ukraine
  • April 30 - Mykola Vasylenko was appointed the Chairman of Council of Ministers and tasked with the formation of government
  • May 7 - the Council of Ministers confirmed its intentions to add Crimea to the Ukrainian State
  • May 15 - Signing of a treaty between governments of Ukraine from one side and Germany and Austria-Hungary from another to provide a loan in amount of 400 million karbovanets for acquiring the Ukrainian food
  • May 18 - the Council of Ministers adopted the law about a creation of the State Guard
  • May 23 - started peace negotiations between representatives of Ukraine and Russia
  • May 28 - to Kiev arrived the plenipotentiary delegation of the Regional Council of Kuban headed by Mykola Ryabovol with proposition of unification of Kuban with Ukraine
  • May 30 - the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Doroshenko petitioned with a special letter to the Ambassador of Germany in Ukraine, baron Alfons Mumm von Schwarzenstein, to include Crimea to Ukraine

Summer 1918

  • June 12 - the Congress of Landowners and Agrarians of Tavria Governorate that took place in Simferopol supported the proposition to include Tavria to Ukraine
  • June 20 - the All-Ukrainian Church Council took place in Kiev
  • July 1 - adopted the decision about a creation of the Ukrainian university in Kamianets-Podilsky
  • July 2 - adoption of the law about citizenship of the Ukrainian State
  • July 8 - creation of the State Senate of the Ukrainian State as the supreme judicial institution
  • July 9 - creation of the Commission in development of project of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
  • July 10 - Kiev Orthodox clergy lifted the anathema on Hetman Mazepa
  • July 24 - Ukraine and Germany ratified the Brest Peace Treaty, adoption of laws about the general military obligation, criminal responsibility for exceeding the maximum established prices and speculation, appointments to government service
  • July 27 - due to the anti-Ukrainian policies of the Crimean government of Sulkevich the Ukrainian State established an economical blockade of the peninsula
  • August 1 - adoption of laws about supreme government and political position of military servicemen
  • August 2 - adoption of the law about the creation of fund of the National Library of Ukrainian State
  • August 6 - the All-Ukrainian Church Council called for the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church
  • August 10 - confirmed the statute of the Ukrainian State Bank and its base and reserve capitals
  • August 17 - adopted the law about a restriction on import of the Russian monetary units
  • August 22 - in Vienna Turkey and Ukraine exchanged documents that ratified the Brest Peace Treaty
  • September 10 - signing of an economic agreement between Ukraine, Germany, Austria-Hungary for the 1918â€"1919 fiscal years
  • September 18 - temporary stop of custom war with Crimea on the petition of the Sulkevich government
  • October 5 - in Kiev started negotiations between Ukraine and Crimea about the conditions of Crimea inclusion to Ukraine
  • October 6 - Kiev State Ukrainian University is opened
  • October 16 - Hetman of Ukraine issued declaration on the revival of cossackdom
  • October 17 - adopted a declaration about organization of volunteer militia on upholding the order of law
  • October 21 - Hetman of Ukraine met with the extraordinary mission of the Kuban regional government headed by Colonel V.Tkachov
  • November 6 - the German authorities transferred the ships of the Black Sea fleet to the Ukrainian State
  • November 13 - the Soviet Russia annulled the Brest Peace Treaty and refused to recognize the independence of the Ukrainian State
  • November 13â€"16 - signing of agreement about trade, consulate, and sea relationships, railway and financial treaties between the government of Ukraine and the extraordinary mission of the Kuban regional government
  • November 14 - anti-Hetman Uprising
  • November 26 - the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is created chaired by Vladimir Vernadsky

Winter 1918

  • December 5 - signing of agreement of cooperation between Ukraine and Georgia
  • December 14 - Hetman of Ukraine surrender his powers and emigrated to Germany


The Directorate gained massive popularity, and the support of some of Skoropadsky's military units including the Serdiuk Division. Their insurgent army encircled Kiev on November 21. After a three-week-long stalemate Skoropadsky abdicated in favor of the Council of Ministers who surrendered to the Revolutionary forces. On December 19, 1918, the Directorate took control of Kiev.

The Bolsheviks invaded Ukraine from Kursk in late December 1918 where the new Ukrainian Soviet government was reestablished earlier in November of the same year. On January 16, 1919 Ukraine officially declared a war on Russia while the Russian Soviet government continued to deny all claims of invasion. On January 22, 1919, the Directorate was officially united with the West Ukrainian People's Republic, although the latter entity de facto maintained its own army and government. In February 1919, the Bolsheviks captured Kiev.

Throughout 1919, Ukraine experienced chaos as the armies of the Ukrainian Republic, the Bolsheviks, the Whites, the foreign powers of the Entente, and Poland, as well as anarchist forces such as that of Nestor Makhno tried to prevail. The subsequent Kiev Offensive, staged by the Polish army and allied Ukrainian forces, was unable to change the situation, and in March 1921, the Peace of Riga sealed a shared control of the territory by Poland, the Russian SFSR, and the Ukrainian RSR.

As the result, the lands of Galicia (Halychyna) as well as a large part of the Volhynian territory were incorporated into Poland, while the areas to the east and south became part of Soviet Ukraine.

After its military and political defeat, the Directorate continued to maintain control over some of its military forces. Preempting a planned invasion by its rival Archduke Wilhelm of Austria, in October 1921 the Ukrainian National Republic's government-in-exile launched a series of guerrilla raids into central Ukraine that reached as far east as Kiev Oblast. On November 4, the Directorate's guerrillas captured Korosten and seized much military supplies. But on November 17, 1921, this force was surrounded by Bolshevik cavalry and destroyed.


Winter 1918â€"19

  • December 14 - the Directorate of Ukraine received the state powers in Ukraine after the Hetman of Ukraine emigrated to Germany
  • December 16 - the Directorate renewed the law about National-Individual Autonomy
  • December 19 - the grand entry of Directorate to the capital of Ukraine. Military parade at Sofiyivska Ploshcha. Note of protest to the countries of Entente due to occupation of ports of the Southern Ukraine (Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War)
  • December 26 - Directorate published a basis of its economic-social policies and political system
  • December 31 - Directorate issued a note of protest to the Soviet Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine
  • January 1 - Directorate adopted the law about the Supreme body of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Cathedral Church
  • January 2 - order of the Chief Otaman Symon Petlyura to exile all enemies of Ukraine
  • January 3â€"4 - repeated notes of protest to the Soviet Russia due to its intervention
  • January 4 - Directorate adopted the law about Ukrainian monetary unit, hryvnia
  • January 8 - the government of Ukraine adopted the Land Law, based on the principles of socialism
  • January 16 - declaration of war with Moscow due to no results of peace negotiations
  • January 22 - declaration of Unification between Ukraine and West Ukraine at Sofiyivska Ploshcha
  • January 23 - session of Labor Congress initiated by Directorate was opened in Kiev. The congress attended over 400 delegates, out which 65 represented the West Ukraine. It expressed its trust in Directorate and adopted the law about the form of government in Ukraine
  • February 2 - due to the advance of Bolsheviks Directorate moved from Kiev to Vinnytsia
  • February 13 - Directorate changed the composition of the Council of National Ministers
  • February 17 - Directorate petitioned to the governments of Entente and the US for help in fight with Bolsheviks
  • February 27 - Chief Otaman met with Entente Commission in Khodoriv

Spring 1919

  • March 15 - the delegation of West Ukraine headed by Yevhen Petrushevych met with Directory in Proskuriv to further discuss development of joint operations
  • April 4 - plenipotentiary representative of Ukraine at the Versailles Peace Conference H.Sydorenko expressed his protest to the Polish military attack onto the Ukrainian territory and its political and materiel support by Entente
  • April 9 - Directory adopted the declaration on resignation of the Ostapenko government and appointing the new composition of the Council of National Ministers headed by Borys Matros
  • April 15 - the government of Ukraine appointed General Oleksandr Osetsky as the Otaman of the Army
  • April 29 - Volodymyr Oskilko Affairs
  • May 9 - Symon Petlyura was elected the head of Directory in Radyvyliv
  • May 20 - the peace negotiations of the diplomatic mission of Ukraine with the command of the Polish Army of Haller in Lublin showed no results

Summer 1919

  • June 12 - the government of Finland reestablished its diplomatic relationships with Ukraine
  • June 16 - the Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Gasparri informed the Chairman of Directorate S.Petliura on the approval of Count Mykhailo Tyshkevych as the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Holy See
  • June 18 - the delegation of Ukraine at the Versailles Peace Conference together with the representatives of Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Northern Caucasus expressed its protest against recognition of the Supreme Council of the Paris Peace conference the government of Admiral Kolchak as the Supreme government of Russia
  • June 20â€"21 - signing of a temporary agreement of Ukraine with Poland in Lviv and establishment of demarcation line (Delwig line)

Anti-Bolshevik and other uprisings

The following is the list of numerous uprisings that took place during the formation of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Some of them were in opposition to the Petlyura's government (such as the Oskilko's Affair), some were against the establishment of the Soviet regime, some took place to eliminate the Entente forces. According to Cheka documentation, in Ukraine took place 268 uprisings from 1917 through 1932, where in over 100 raions the mutinied peasants were killing chekists, communists, and prodotryads that were requisitioning food by force which more resembled expropriation.

  • Free Territory (Nestor Makhno)
  • Otaman Grigoriev
  • Otaman Oskilko Affair (Volodymyr Oskilko)
  • Otaman Zelenyi Uprising
  • Kholodnyi Yar (Cold Ravine)
  • Otaman Kamenyuka
  • Free Cossacks (Semen Hryzlo)
  • Zazymia Uprising (Troyeshchyna) - Otaman Romashka and Otaman Anhel against Kiev and Chernihiv Cheka and Bashkir Cavalry Brigade
  • Anti-Red Army ambush near Uman in 1920

International recognition

Ukrainian People's Republic

The Ukrainian People's Republic was recognized de jure in February 1918 by the Central Powers of World War I (Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria) and by Bolshevik Russia, the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), Georgia, Azerbaijan, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and the Holy See. De facto recognition was granted by Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, and Persia.

Later in 1918 Russia chose to withdraw its recognition of independent Ukraine, representing the protocols of the Versailles Treaty as justification for its action. In 1920 Symon Petliura and Józef Piłsudski signed the Warsaw Treaty in which both countries established their borders along the Zbruch River.

Important diplomatic missions and results

  • Treaty of Breast-Litovsk, February 9, 1918 (Central Powers: ratification of Germany and Turkey)
  • Preliminary peace treaty with the Soviet Russia, June 12, 1918 (renouncement of Brest-Litovsk treaty on November 13, 1918)
  • Peace treaty with Don Republic, August 8, 1918
  • Unification Act, January 20, 1919 (unification of two semi-recognized entities), Hutsul Republic (Eastern Zakarpattia) announced their will to join as well
  • Loss of Kiev to Soviets on February 2, 1919 and political crisis within the national government of Ukraine
  • Resignation of Serhiy Ostapenko and his government due to failure on series of negotiations with representatives of Entente
  • participation at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919
  • The Eastern Galician mandate of the Jules Cambon Commission was approved by the Entente leaders to hand it over the Poland, November 21, 1919
  • Treaty of Warsaw (1920) (Poland)


Ukrainian People's Republic

According to the latest census that was taken 1897, the republic was accounted for over 20 million population in seven former Russian guberniyas, plus three uyezds of the Taurida Governorate that were located on the mainland.

National composition (thousands)
  • Ukrainians - 14,931.5 (73%)
  • Russians - 2,146.1 (11%)
  • Jewish - 1,871.8 (9%)
  • Germans - 451.3 (2%)
  • Poles - 375.9 (2%)
  • Belarusians - 208.5 (1%)
  • Romanians - 185.7 (1%)
  • Other - 1%

Administrative division

Ukrainian People's Republic

On March 4, 1918 the Ukrainian government accepted the law about the administrative-territorial division of Ukraine. The law stated that Ukraine is divided into 32 zemlia (land) which are administrated by their respective zemstvo. This law was not fully implemented as on April 29, 1918 there was the anti-socialist coup in Kiev, after which Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky reverted the reform back to the guberniya-type administration.

Armed Forces

Ukrainian People's Republic

The headquarters of the republic's armed forces was called the General Bulawa and was considered to be located in Kiev. Of course, due to constant intervention from the Petrograd sovnarkom and the German Empire the physical location of it was changing (Kamyanets-Podilsky, Bila Tserkva, others).

Main military formations (UPR)

  • Sich Riflemen
    • Ukrainian Sich Riflemen were a similar unit, however, that unit wasn't part of Ukrainian military
  • Free Cossacks

The following three Zaporizhian infantry regiments and the 3 Haidamaka Regiment of the biggest Ukrainian military formation, the Zaporizhian Corps, later were reorganized into the 1 Zaporizhian Division.

  • Zaporizhian Corps
  • Ukrainian Steppe Division (Anti-Bolshevik revolutionary-military unit)
  • Ukrainian Marines
  • 1 Riflemen-Cavalry Division (Gray-Coats)
  • Blue-Coats
  • Sloboda Ukraine Haidamaka Kosh
  • 3 Iron Riflemen Division
  • Ukrainian Navy

Main military formations (WUPR)

  • Ukrainian Galician Army, was a military formation of the Ukraine Republic

Money and banking

Ukrainian People's Republic

There were numerous banks in the republic among the most popular ones were the Ukrainabank and the Soyuzbank that were created by Khrystofor Baranovsky, the leader of a cooperative movement.


Ukrainian People's Republic

Green indicates UPR-controlled territory, red indicates the Red Army control, light yellow for the White Army control, dark yellow for Germany, blue for Poland, and brown for Romania. Bold black line incidates the borders of modern Ukraine.

See also

Ukrainian People's Republic
  • General Secretariat of Ukraine
  • West Ukrainian People's Republic
  • Ukraine after the Russian Revolution
  • History of the Jews in Ukraine#Ukrainian People's Republic
  • Ukrainian karbovanets - The history of the first Ukrainian official currency
  • Belarusian National Republic
  • People's Republic
  • Universal (act)
  • Orange Revolution
  • February 2014 Euromaidan clashes
  • 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine
  • 2014 Crimean crisis



Ukrainian People's Republic

External links

  • Media related to Ukrainian People's Republic at Wikimedia Commons
  • People's war 1917-1932 by Kyiv city organization "Memorial"

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